Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
There are no requirements for this course.
Learning outcomes |
This curricular unit aims to introduce, develop, and consolidate the fundamental concepts of procedural programming for the student, such as: data, processing and information; the representation and manipulation of information on a computer; simple and compound data types; homogeneous linear data types and structures such as strings, lists, vectors, and matrices; heterogeneous data structures; file manipulation; conditional and iterative (repetitive statements; modularity in programming. At the end, there will also be an introduction to object-oriented programming.
More than learning the syntax of any programming language, the aim is for the student to learn and develop the reasoning underlying programming, at a more abstract and algorithmic level. The main language of study will be Python, but examples will also be demonstrated in different languages. At the end of the UC, the student should be able to express algorithms to solve computer problems.
Syllabus |
(-x-) The main topics of a discipline that includes learning procedural programming will be covered: 1) Introduction to procedural programming; 2) Variables, data types, and operators; 3) Conditional statements; 4) Iterative statements; 5) Homogeneous data structures; 6) Modularity in programming; 7) File manipulation; 8) Heterogeneous structures, classes, and objects.
Main Bibliography |
Head First Python, 2nd Edition. Paul Barry. O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2016, ISBN: 9781491919538.
Fundamentos de Programação. João Cordeiro. Universidade da Beira Interior, 2024.
Programação em Python - Fundamentos e Resolução de Problemas. Ernesto Costa. FCA 2015, ISBN: 978-972-722-816-4.
Python Programming for Beginners. AMZ Publishing, 2021.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
(-x-) The frequency assessment will consist of several components and will involve continuous work throughout the semester. Student work and progress will be measured throughout the semester. The assessment in the exam will be a written test that covers all the material studied in the semester. This exam will be independent of the classifications obtained in the different frequency components, counting 100% for the final grade. The student can always improve their frequency classification when taking the exam, ensuring that they will never receive a reduction in relation to their frequency classification. However, to be able to take the exam, the student will have to guarantee a minimum classification of 6 points, in total in the assessment by frequency. Otherwise, he will be in the "Not Admitted" condition, meaning failure.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.