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  4. Composition of Multiplatform Interfaces

Composition of Multiplatform Interfaces

Code 16216
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(30H)/T(30H)
Scientific area Informatics
Entry requirements N/A
Learning outcomes This course aims to address the development of multiplatform interfaces based on web technologies, focusing on interface design, structure, technologies and languages used in this development. In terms of skills, the aim is to instil in the student sensitivity and critical awareness of problems specific to this area, particularly about the design and ubiquity of multiplatform interfaces. In terms of skills, the student is expected to be able to autonomously design and implement multiplatform interfaces for the web, choose the set of technologies suitable for the project, and Easily use graphical integrated development environments to develop multiplatform interfaces.
Syllabus 1. Internet and Multiplatform Interface Design
2. Multiplatform Interface Prototyping
3. Markup Languages for the Web
4. Styling content in Multiplatform Interfaces
A. CSS 3
5. Responsiveness
A. Interface Design for Mobile Devices
B. Adaptability
6. Accessibility, Performance and Analytics.
Main Bibliography Ricardo Queirós e Filipe Portela. “Desenvolvimento Avançado para a Web - do Front-End ao Back-End”. (2020).
Luís Abreu. “HTML5, 4.ª Edição Atualizada e Aumentada”. (2015)
Portela, Carlos Filipe, and Ricardo Queirós. "Introdução ao desenvolvimento moderno para a Web." (2018).
Ricardo Queirós. “Criação Rápida de Sites Responsivos com o Bootstrap”. (2018)
Eric Freeman e Elisabeth Freeman, “Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML”, O’Reilly.
Chuck Musciano e Bill Kenedy, “HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide”, O’Reilly.
Eric Meyer, “CSS: The Definitive Guide”, O’Reilly.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Theoretical classes include the teacher's presentation of themes and concepts, supported by the study of examples of environments and tools for data systems. They also have a demonstration of using these environments and tools to solve concrete problems interactively by the teacher and with different support materials.
Practical laboratory classes include the application of available environments and tools for composing multiplatform interfaces and solving problems with the help of written scripts and case studies. The solved problems are used as a basis for discussion and reflection on different techniques and concepts.
The theoretical and practical components are evaluated using 3 main elements:
- Labs 15% - 3 Values;
- Assessment Labs 45% - 9 Values;
- Project 40% - 8 Values.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-14

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