Syllabus |
Principles and applications of communication design as structural elements in web design objects Project Methodology Visual Identity Icons, signs, symbols, signals, brands, and pictograms Concepts and elements associated with the visual identity of an organization Development of a standards manual Editorial Design Concepts of editorial design and its importance in multimedia design Distinction between editorial design for print and in hypermedia environments Structure of editorial design objects: formal structure and grid, organization of text and image, adaptation to the medium, visual hierarchy
Main Bibliography |
Apfelbaum, S & Cezzar, J. (2014). Designing the Editorial Experience: A Primer for Print, Web, and Mobile. USA: Rockport Publishers. Frutiger, A. (1997) Signos, Símbolos, Marcas, Señales. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili. Forges, C. (2000) Design de Revistas. Lisboa: Destarte. Golombisky, K. & Hagen R. (2016) White Space Is Not Your Enemy: A Beginner's Guide to Communicating Visually Through Graphic, Web & Multimedia Design. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Joly, M. (1999). Introdução à Análise da Imagem. Lisboa: Edições 70. Jute, A. (1999). Grelhas e Estrutura do Design Gráfico. Lisboa: Ed. Destarte. Kane, J (2005). Manual de Tipografía. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili. Munari, B. (1982). Das Coisas Nascem Coisas. Lisboa: Edições 70. Ollins, W. (1996). The New Guide to Identity. London: Gower Publishing Limited. Zappaterra, Y. & Caldwell, C. (2014). Design Editorial, Jornais e Revistas / Mídia Impressa e Digital. Barcelona: Editora Gustavo Gili