Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Competence in algorithms and programming.
Mode of delivery |
Work placements |
Not applicable.
Learning outcomes |
This course introduces the theme of design, analysis and construction of the relational paradigm. Therefore, its main objective is to prepare students to understand, design and develop database systems. The course focuses on the relational model, namely, modelling, normalization, query languages (relational algebra and SQL), database management issues and developing client/server database applications. Upon completion of the teaching-learning process, the student should be able to: - Given a real, or hypothetical case, develop a suitable data model; - Normalize (3NF, BCNF, or a superior normal form) and "de-normalize" relations; - Choose a database management system that fulfills the needs of the information system to be developed; - Produce the physical database model; - Query the database (using SQL); - Develop multi-user database applications; - Use transactions.
Syllabus |
1. Introduction to database systems 1.1 Data files vs Desktop databases vs Client/server databases: advantages, disadvantages and when use (or not use) 1.2 Fundamental concepts 1.3 Data models (hierarchic; network; and relational. Data structures and manipulation languages)
2. The relational model. 2.1 The data model 2.2 Relational algebra 2.3 Database query languages 2.4 Integrity constraints 2.5 Logical dependences
3. Conceptual database analysis and design 3.1 Entity-Relationship modelling 3.2 Normalization
4. Client/Server applications development
5. Transactions 5.1 ACID properties 5.2 Transaction isolation and related phenomena 5.3 Concurrency
Main Bibliography |
1. Feliz Gouveia. “Bases de Dados – Fundamentos e Aplicações”, 2ª Edição, FCA, 2021, ISBN: 978-972-722-901-7.
2. Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg. “Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management”, 6th Edition, 2015. Pearson, ISBN: 978-1-292-06118-4
3. Luís Damas, “SQL”, 14ª Edição, FCA, 2017, ISBN 978-972-722-829-4
4) R. Ramakrishnan and J. Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Classes are organized into theoretical classes (T), for the presentation of the program contents (slides and handwriting) and for interaction with students, and practical classes (PL), where concrete scenarios of using databases are exemplified and explored ( MS SQL Server).
Teaching Learning Classification (CEA) = Freq. (10 val) + Practical Work (5 val) + 5 mini-works (5 val); Exam classification = Exam (15 val) + Practical Work (5 val)
Rating criteria: By Frequency: CEA >= 9.5 val. By Exam: when the sum of the Exam grade (quoted for 15 val) + Practical Work (5 val) is at least 9.5 val.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.