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Atelier of Clothing

Code 16336
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 5
Workload PL(45H)/T(15H)
Scientific area Ciência e Tecnologia Têxteis
Entry requirements No requirements.
Mode of delivery Presential teaching in classroom and atelier/laboratory. Theoretical, theoretical-practical and atelier/laboratory practice.
Work placements -- not applicable
Learning outcomes Apply and relate knowledge, developing the ability of problem solving in multidisciplinary and complex new situations,
Apply the knowledge gained in relation to techniques for the implementation of prototypes and respective datasheets
Be able to select, depending on the project, materials and production processes for the realisation of prototypes
Develop skills to use the features and constraints of the production system of a Making Up company in the implementation of prototypes
Apply knowledge relating to planning on Making Up during the production of collections and final production
Meet the parameters of quality control in apparel production and its relation with the quality level of garment made
Learn about the components of the calculation of cost of production of an article and its implications in the sale price
Syllabus 1. Manufacturing processes and equipment capabilities for special fabrics
2. Influence of the characteristics of fabrics and knits on the manufacturing process, on the usage properties and appearance of the manufactured item
3. Organization and planning in manufacturing during collections and in the production of orders
4. Preparation of a technical dossier taking into account sustainability criteria
5. Design and execution of prototypes, with the possibility of articulation with the UC Fashion Design Project II
6. Quality control in the manufacturing process and its relationship with the final quality of the manufactured product
7.Determination of the parameters inherent to the minute cost and final cost of the manufactured product
Main Bibliography Amaden-Crawford C., (2006),Guide to Fashion Sewing, 4th Edition, Fairchild Publications, Inc., NewYork
Cole J., Sharon Czachor, (2009), Professional Sewing Techniques for Designers, Fairchild Publications, Inc., New York
Nudelman Z., The Art of Couture Sewing, Sample Workbook to Accompany Professional Sewing Techniques for Designers
Myers-McDevitt P. J., (2009), Complete Guide to Size Specification and Technical Design, 2nd Edition, Berg Publishers
Araújo M., (1996), Tecnologia do Vestuário; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
Carr and Latham's, (2008), Technology of Clothing Manufacture, Wiley-Blackwel
Tyler, D.J., (1991), Materials management in clothing production, John Wiley and Sons Ltd
H. Carr & J. Pomeroy, (1992), "Fashion Design and Product Development. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications
Gwilt, A. (2020). A practical guide to sustainable fashion. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Pandit, P., Ahmed, S., Singha, K., & Shrivastava, S. (Eds.). (2020). Recycling from Waste in Fashion
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The teaching-learning methodology provides for the acquisition of knowledge through project-centered study.
Thus, the pedagogical methodology is active and cooperative, encouraging reflection and focusing on the student's application.
concepts and problem solving.
In theoretical classes, the teacher introduces the programmatic contents as the execution of the
The project requires and allows it. The progression phases of the work are presented orally and discussed in front of the class.
In practical classes, students carry out projects individually, with teacher supervision, until they reach final prototypes.
The final learning rating is calculated as follows:
40% Prototype and manufacturing 15% Technical dossier 35% Collection presentation exercise + 10% Participation and commitment
The student is exempt from the exam if, in the teaching-learning classification, they have a grade greater than or equal to 10 points - Approved.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-18

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