Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Explanation of the subject matter by the teatcher followed by the realization ofpractical exercises by the students Assessment by frequency
maximum number of absences from classes - 3 absences
two assessment tests
1st test on October 28th during class (0 -10 points)
2nd test on December 16th during class (0-10 points)
The final classification by frequency is the sum of the classifications of the two tests, with the minimum classification in each test being 3 values
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Assessment by exam
maximum number of absences from classes - 3 absences
The exam has two parts, relating to the two parts of the subject
Part 1 (0 -10 points)
Part 2 (0-10 values)
The final classification by frequency is the sum of the two parts of the test, and the minimum classification in each part is 3 points