Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Ciência e Tecnologia Têxteis
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
The goal is for the student to transform textile structures or textile raw materials by introducing color, surface effects, functionality, using the science and technology of dyeing, finishing, and printing, as well as environmentally sustainable processes. Additionally, they should analyze and compare the properties of the produced structures and the quality of the executed processes.
Syllabus |
-Introduction of color in textiles and description of the most commonly used technologies: Practical applications and evaluation of the effects obtained, technical characteristics, and quality criteria. -Relationship between the physical and chemical structure of fibers and dyes. - Processes: Exhaustion and Impregnation. - Properties and classification of dyes. -CIELab color space. -Relationship between dye diffusion/affinity and color fastness. -Color and surface effects: batik, Rainbow, tie-dye. -Basic principles of printing techniques (direct, reserve, and corrosion; frame, digital). -Finishing processes and description of the most commonly used technologies. -Finishes and the achievement of aesthetic, protective, and functional effects (e.g., antimicrobial, fire-resistant, hydrophobic, soil-release, silkscreen, etc.). -Pre-treatment processes for printing preparation. -Special effects using biotechnology and nanotechnology: Eco-printing, eco-dyeing, enzymes, and bacterial pigments
Main Bibliography |
Scientific and creative papers and books, available in the Moodle of the curricular unit. Other at the library: Bechtold, Thomas; Pham, Tung, “Textile Chemistry”, De Gruyter, 2019; Subramanian S. Muthu “Sustainable Innovations in Textile Chemistry and Dyes”, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 Robert R. Mather and Roger H. Wardman, “The Chemistry of Textile Fibres”, 2nd edition, Published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015. Livros Biblioteca: M. Clark, Handbook of textile and industrial dyeing - Volume 1: Principles, processes and types of dyes, Woodhead Publishing, 2011.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Requirement to complete all laboratory work with a minimum grade of 9.50.
Final grade calculation:
30% for the theoretical component (1 written test) 70% for the practical component (average of practical and laboratory work). To pass the course, the practical grade (P) must be equal to or higher than 9.5.
Final Grades: 30% T + 70% P, where T = Theoretical Test, P = Average of practical work grades. The practical grade (P) must be equal to or higher than 9.5 to pass the course.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.