Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Ciência e Tecnologia Têxteis
Entry requirements |
Not applicable
Learning outcomes |
To know the woven fabric concept and the weaves parameters. To know the weaves of simple woven fabrics, colour effects and patterns To know the technical parameters of woven fabrics, their analysis methodology and influence on performance To develop capacities to draw patterns of warp and weft fabrics, in simple fabrics, fundamental weaves and the derived from these To develop skills for the design project of woven fabric, through the ability to draw patterns in the CAD system, using warp and weft yarns, colour sequences, yarn densities and weaves To develop capacities to relate the materials, the structural characteristics, the concept of use and aesthetic values, as well as the quality level determined by the market.
Syllabus |
1. Notion of fabric 1.1 Warp, weft, weave 1.2 Technology of fabrics: raw-material, yarn count, yarn densities, weave, weight/m2 and finishing 2. Weave 2.1 Parameters characterizing weaves: size, advancement, float, weaving point 2.2 Weave and numeric representation 3. Simple fabrics 3.1 Fundamental weaves: plain weave, twill and satin 3.2 Weaves derived from the fundamental ones. 4. Coloured effects on fabrics. 5. Drawing-in-draft and drawing-in. 6. Fabric analysis. 6.1 Structural parameters of fabrics 6.2 Laboratory methodology of analysis 7. Design of fabrics project. Project methodology involving the relationship between the concept of use, the effects and aesthetic values, the materials, the structural characteristics of fabrics (yarns, colour sequences, weave and weight/m2), the performance properties during garment making and during wear and the total quality level determined by the market.
Main Bibliography |
A. Johnston & C. HallettFormat, (2021), Fabric for Fashion: The Swatch Book, Second Edition, Publisher Laurence King Publishing, London, UK A. Majumdar, (2016), Principles of Woven Fabric Manufacturing, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group B.K. Behera & P.K. Hari, (2010), Woven Textile Structure: Theory and Applications, Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles J. Steed & F. Stevenson, (2012), Basics Textile Design 01: Sourcing Ideas: Researching Colour, Surface, Structure, Texture and Pattern, Bloomsbury R.A.L. Miguel, (2007), Tecnologia dos Tecidos – Apontamentos, UBI/DCTT, Covilhã. R.A.L. Miguel, (2007), Estrutura de Tecidos – Guia de Aulas Práticas, UBI/DCTT, Covilhã. R. Nayak, (2019), Sustainable Technologies for Fashion and Textiles, The Textile Institute R. Sinclair, (2014), Textiles and Fashion: Materials, Design and Technology, Publisher Elsevier Science & Technology, Imprint Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The teaching/learning activities fall in theoretical, practical, theoretical-practical lectures and group assignments. The teaching/learning methodology comprises exposure lectures by the professor, is active and cooperative, encouraging reflection and focusing on student the acquisition of concepts, the resolution of problems, the research and the practical works. The pedagogical methodology, using audiovisual media, is made up by the presentation of theoretical contents and classroom and laboratory practices. The students develop works with limitations previously imposed, in order to get to the heart of its individuality of expression. The works are presented orally and discussed in the class. The evaluation is based on a written multiple-choice test (50%) and on a project (50%) for the ongoing assessment and the classification of frequency, and an exam. The frequency criterion is 6 values and for approval is 10 values.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.