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  4. Computer Modelling I

Computer Modelling I

Code 16435
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Science and Technology
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes - Acquisition of an overview of CAD and its critical importance in the exercise of the profession of Industrial Designer;
- To gain effective 3D modelling capabilities of isolated objects and functional assemblies of 3D objects;
- Introduction to 2D technical drawing from 3D models;
- Development of self-learning capacity in CAD.
Syllabus - Background, importance and evolution of Computer Aided Design (CAD). Interconnection between design, manufacture and analysis (CAD-CAM-CAE). Introduction to 3D parametric solid modelling programs;
- Basic 2D Sketch tools. Geometric constraints between elements of a Sketch. Under and over dimensioned Sketches. Sketch 3D;
- Basic operations for creating 3D geometry from 2D and 3D Sketches. 3D modelling of isolated objects of increasing complexity;
- Assembly environment. Relations between objects (mates) in an assembly environment;
- 3D modelling of functional sets of objects of increasing complexity. Creation of simple animations;
- Introduction to the execution of two-dimensional (2D) technical drawings from 3D models;
- 3D modelling based on 2D images placed in the background.
Main Bibliography [1] Video tutorials designed specifically for this course.
[2] Monteiro, J.M. (2020). “Modelação por Superfícies e Híbrida em SolidWorks”, Edições Lídel/Fca, 404 pages, ISBN: 978-972-722-912-3.
[3] Silva, A. Dias J. Sousa, L. (2004) "Desenho Técnico Moderno"; Edições Lídel, 704 pages, ISBN 972-757-260-X.
[4] Giesecke F. Mitchel, A. l, Spencer H, Hill I, Dygdon J. Novak J (2008) "Technical Drawing", Prentice Hall; 875 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0130081834.
[5] SolidWorks Documentation.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Presentation of the subject by the teacher. Presentation to students of video tutorials designed specifically for the subject to be taught in each class. At their individual workstations, students watch the video tutorials at their own pace and repeat their presentation as many times as they want. Then, the student replicates the object/assembly, whose modelling process is illustrated in the video. Once the 3D modelling of the video object is completed, exercises of a similar nature are provided. The evaluation of the subject by frequency or by final exam consists of carrying out a test in which the student has to model several objects and an assembly in 3D CAD.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-19

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