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Design History

Code 16438
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 4
Workload TP(45H)
Scientific area Design Industrial
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes To know the historical antecedents that were the basis of the appearance and evolution of Design in Portugal and in the international context, acquiring bases for a visual culture essential in project practice.
Deepen the design in the perspective of furniture, artfacts, tiles, textile or graphic components as well as the genesis itself and appropriation of the interior spaces themselves.
Identify and understand the factors and conditions that have provided turning moments throughout history, in an anthropological perspective integrating the various branches, from the point of view of their formal, hierarchical and symbolic relations. Acquire research skills in the area of Design History as well as appropriate vocabulary that can integrate the design project process.
Syllabus Reflection on the History of Design and its research methodologies. Evolution of pre-industrial revolution material culture. Vernacular Design, Royal Orders and Manufactures. Neogothic or Gothic Renovated, Queen Anne Revival, Aesthetic Movement and Arts and Crafts: pioneering contributions to the definition and practice of Interior Design. Art Nova as an alternative to eclecticism and revivalism. The search for a national style. New typologies and ways of dwelling at the turn of the 19th century to the 20th century. The Bauhaus, the Russian Vanguards and Constructivism. Organic Design and Scandinavian Design. The modern movement. Portugal's participation in international events. The post-war, the Marshall Plan and the incentive to industrial development given by INII. Pioneers of industrial design in Portugal. Interior and corporate design. First design exhibitions. From postmodernity to the 21th century, the promotion of Design through associativism and CPD.
Main Bibliography Cardoso, R. (2000) Uma Introdução à História do Design. São Paulo: Editora Blücher.
Dormer, P. (1993). Diseño desde 1945. Barcelona: Destino.
Fiell, C., & Fiell, P. (2001) Design do Século XX. Köln: Taschen.
Forty, A. (1992). Objects of desire - Design and Society since 1750. London: Thames & Hudson.
Heskett, J. (2004) Industrial Design. London: Thames & Hudson.
História da vida privada em Portugal (2011). 4 Vol. Coord. José Mattoso, Lisboa: Temas e Debates.
Julier, G. (2004). The Thames & Hudson dictionary of design since 1900. London: Thames & Hudson.
Margolin, V. (2015). World history of design. London: Bloomsbury (2 volumes).
Pevsner, N. (1975). Pioneiros do Design Moderno. Lisboa, Ulisseia.
Raizman, D. (2010). History of modern design: graphics and products since the industrial revolution. London: Laurence King.
Souto, M. H. et al. (2015). Design português 1960/1979. 8 Vol. Coord. José Bártolo. Colecção exclusiva do Jornal O Público. Vila do Conde: Verso da História-Edição e Conte
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria This curricular unit is based on the typology of theoretical-practical classes in which the theoretical and expository hours are supported by multimedia means (text, photo and video), bibliographic content and case studies that serve as a basis to encourage the debate on the themes of UC. Interaction with students will be promoted to foster the establishment of relationships between the subjects taught and the contemporary design process in design. The practical dimension of the course is based on the development of research work. The evaluation is continuous, reflecting attendance (10%), individual work/presentation (20%), group project/presentation (40%), knowledge assessment test (30%). Failure to meet the deadline for submission of the project or the individual work is a penalizing factor. The student will only be able to access the exam (written test), having obtained the minimum grade of 8 points.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-09

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