Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Design Industrial
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
The main objective is to awaken students to the fact that Design is not an individual authorial activity, but a rational process that transforms the needs of a group of users into an industrial product. In the end, students will be able to understand the design processes, master different methods and techniques for the construction of a given industrial product (Packaging Design), develop the analytical capacity to conduct rational design procedures, convert the different constraints of the system (customer, market, production, raw material and user) in opportunities, knowing how to work in multidisciplinary teams through methods and leading the phases of problematization, intervention and development.
Syllabus |
Problematization; Planning and discovery; Development; Construction; Evaluation. Procedures for students to organize the design process. What is methodology in Design? Model vs. Method vs. Methodology. Creative, Deductive, Productive and Reproductive methods. Design and creativity methods: Inverse brainstorming; Method 635, Mind maps, Storytelling Design. Problem exploration methods: Card sorting, Cross functions, 5 whys, 6 hats. Methods for generating alternatives: Morphological box, Morphological composition. Alternative selection methods: Evaluation matrix. Usability testing methods: Decision action flowchart, tests and surveys. A brief history of packaging: from necessity to advertising; Design methodologies for packaging development Tasks and functions of packaging Each material a package (TP) The heart of packaging: study of consumer behavior; Branding and graphic design for packaging.
Main Bibliography |
Archer, B. (1979): Whatever became of design methodology? Design Studies, Vol 1, p17 Bonsiepe, G. (1992): Teoria e Prática do Design Industrial, Lisboa, Centro Português de Design Burdek, B. (2205). Design History, theory and practice of product design. Basel, Birkhauser Brown, T. (2009). Change by Design. Apple Books and Harper Collins Books Ltd. Dubberly, H. (2004). How do you design? San Francisco Dubberly Design Office. Hanington, B. and Martin, B. (2012). Universal Methods of Design. Rockpub Publishers. Inc. Beverly. MA. USA. King, S. and Chang, K. (2016). Understand Industrial Design – Principal for UX and Interaction Design. O´Reilly Media Inc Lidwell, W.; Manacsa, G. (2011). Deconstructing Product Design. Rockpub Publishers. Inc. MA. USA. Lobach, B. (2001). Design Industrial. Editora Edgard Blucher Ltda. Munari, B. (1981) Das Coisas Nascem as Coisas, Lisboa, Ed. Presença. Negrão and Camargo (2008). "Design de embalagem: do marketing à produção". São Paulo: Novatec Editora.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.