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Computer Modelling 2

Code 16440
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Science and Technology
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes Deepening of the knowledge of 3D modelling acquired in the Computational Modelling I course, with emphasis, in the second part of the semester, on the creation of organic shapes through subdivision modelling (SubD). Acquisition of effective skills in creating photorealistic images (renders) from 3D models. Use of different CAD programs in the creation of a 3D model, in order to take advantage of the strengths of each one of them, using neutral CAD formats in the transfer of files. Development of self-learning ability.
Syllabus Introduction to CAD programs dedicated to the creation of photorealistic images (renders). Execution of 3D modelling exercises, from which students create renders of isolated objects and assemblies of objects. Creation of textures and materials for 3D rendering with the support of image editing programs. Texture maps of color, transparency, bump and normal. Texture mapping types. Critical importance of lighting and focal length control in rendering. File exchange between different CAD programs through neutral formats like STEP and IGES. Creation of organic 3D shapes through subdivision modelling (SubD). Types of continuity between surfaces and analysis of the quality of transitions. Closed and open models. Employment of different CAD programs in the creation of a 3D model in order to take advantage of the valences of each one.
Main Bibliography Video tutoriais inseridos na plataforma Moodle, concebidos pelo docente responsável especificamente para esta disciplina.
Monteiro, J.M. (docente responsável) (2022). “Modelação Clássica e por Subdivisão em Rhinoceros 7”, Amazon, 809 páginas, ISBN 978-989-33-3033-3
Ashford, J. Odam J. Gavenda V. (1998) "Getting Started with 3D: "Designer Guide to 3D Graphics and Illustration ", Peachpit Press, 170 páginas, ISBN- 13: 978-0201696769
Birn, J. (2013) "Digital Lighthing and Rendering", New Riders Press; 453 páginas, ISBN 978-0321316318
-Manual do programa SolidEdge (empregue na modelação 3D de carácter mais geométrico)
-Manual do programa Rhinoceros 7 (empregue na modelação 3D de carácter mais orgânico)
-Manual do programa Keyshot (programa dedicado de renderização)
-Manual do programa Paint.NET (programa de edição de imagens)
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-15

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