Learning outcomes |
Mastery of drawing at the level of quick and elaborate sketching, in freehand registration, on traditional and digital media. It is intended that the student masters effective skills in graphic representation, using different digital tools, in nonvector and vector languages. Conceptualize, organize and graphically implement projects for Industrial Design, using graphic methodologies that allow and enhance the graphic communication of the product.
Main Bibliography |
BARTRINA, Luís Villanueva (1996). Perspectiva lineal – Su Relación con la fotografia, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona CHING, Francis D. K. e JUROSZEK, Steven P. (1999). Dibujo y Proyecto, ed. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona EISSEN, Koos, STEUR, Rosaline. (2007), Sketching: Drawing Techniques for Product Designers, Amsterdam, Bis Publishers. GILL, Robert W. (2008). Desenho de perspectiva, Editorial Presença, Lisboa Henry, K. (2012). Drawing for product designers. London: Laurence King. PIPES, Alan (2007) Drawing for designers, Laurence King, London. Klara Sjolen (2011), Learning Curves, Sundsvall: Keeos Design Books. Robertson, Scott, Bertling, Thomas (2013). How to Draw. Drawing and Sketching Objects and Environments from Your Imagination. Design Studio Press, USA. WRIGHT, Lawrence (1983). Perspective in Perspective, Routledge / Kegan Paul, London.