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  3. Industrial Design
  4. Geometry


Code 16463
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 4
Workload TP(45H)
Scientific area Art and Design
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes Know and master the theoretical and practical skills of the characteristics and properties of the projective drawing/dimensioned sketch and its applications.
Knowing and mastering rules and methods of rigorous representation through the study and understanding of projection systems used in the graphic record of regular and irregular volumes.
Theoretical / technical understanding and mastery of the communicational and operational skills of Axonometry and Linear Perspective in the scope of industrial design.
Syllabus Projective Drawing and Dimensioned Sketch.
Projection Systems. Fundamental and structuring concepts.
Orthogonal Projections. Fundamental principles and concepts.
Axonometry. Fundamental principles and concepts.
Linear Perspective. Fundamental principles and concepts.
Representation of shadows in Linear Perspective.
Main Bibliography ANDERSEN, Kirsty (2007). The Geometry of an Art - the History of the Mathematical Theory of Perspective from Alberti to Monge, Springer, New York
Cunha, Luís Veiga da (1982). Desenho Técnico. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
DOBLIN, Jay (1956). Perspective – A New System for Designers, Whitney Library of Design, Nova Iorque
Gill, Robert W. (2008). Desenho de Perspectiva, Editorial Presença
MASSIRONI, MANFREDO (1983). Ver pelo Desenho. Ed. 70, Lisboa.
PIPPES, Alan, (2007) Drawing for designers, Ed. Laurence King
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The Geometry sessions are structured from a theoretical exposition accompanied by a technical / practical explanation of exercises, encouraging students to explore the curriculum and respective exercises, outside of contact hours, in order to stimulate an active process in understanding of these matters, with consequent public presentation and discussion of the results. The evaluation is continuous and in accordance with the evolution of the contents.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-11-21

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