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  4. Themes of Brasilian Literature and Culture

Themes of Brasilian Literature and Culture

Code 16594
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Literatura
Entry requirements Be fluent in Portogese language.
Learning outcomes — Know the geographical and historical causes of the diversity and cultural strength of contemporary Brazilian reality in different areas;
— Problematize the fractures of contemporary Brazilian culture: between the culture of cordiality and the culture of hate?
— Recognize the problems posed by a literature of colonial origin;
— Have a panoramic view of periodization, aesthetic trends and the main writers of Brazilian literature;
— Identify the popular and erudite components of contemporary Brazilian literature and music;
— Deepen the literary idiosyncrasy of great modern and contemporary Brazilian authors: Manuel Bandeira, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Jorge Amado, Guimarães Rosa, João Cabral de Melo Neto, Clarice Lispector, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Lygia Fagundes Telles, Michel Hatoum and Tatiana Salem- Levy;
- Prepare the student to carry out monographic works and original essays in this area of ??knowledge.
Syllabus 1. Brazil: Brazils. Geographical and historical causes of the diversity and cultural strength of contemporary Brazilian reality. Today's Brazil: from the people of
Amazonia to Niemeyer's contemporary architecture.
2. Between the culture of cordiality and the culture of hate: causes of a more dichotomous contemporary Brazil.
3. When did Brazilian literature begin? Theoretical problems raised by a literature of colonial origin.
4. Overview of periodization and the main figures and works of Brazilian literature until 1945.
5. The popular and the erudite. Watertight borders?
5.1. Popular and erudite components of contemporary Brazilian culture.
5.2. Main trends in contemporary Brazilian literature.
5.3. Literary analysis of works by great contemporary Brazilian authors: Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Jorge Amado, Guimarães Rosa, João Cabral de Melo
Neto, Clarice Lispector, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Lygia Fagundes Telles, Michel Hatoum and Tatiana Salem-Levy.
Main Bibliography AMORIM, Mª A. e SARAIVA, A. (2013). Teia de Cordéis. Catálogo. Recife. Prefeitura de Recife / Fund. de Cultura Cidade do Recife.
BASTOS, J. H (Ed.) (2002). Poesia brasileira do século XX. Porto. Antígona.
BUARQUE, C. (2019). Tantas Palavras. Todas as letras. Lisboa, Companhia das Letras.
CASCUDO, L. da C. (2000), Dicionário do Folclore Brasileiro, S. Paulo, Global Editora.
COUTO, J. (1998), A Construção do Brasil: Ameríndios, Portugueses e Africanos, do Início do Povoamento a Finais de Quinhentos, Lisboa, Cosmos.
MOISÉS, M. (1989), História da Literatura Brasileira, 5 vols., S. Paulo, Cultrix.
SARAIVA, A. (2000), Conversas com Escritores Brasileiros, Porto, Edição do Congresso Portugal – Brasil.
SENA, J. de (1988), Estudos de Cultura e Literatura Brasileira, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1988.
VIEIRA, C. C., OSÓRIO, P. e MANSO, J. H. (Eds.) (2014), Portugal - Brasil - África: Relações Históricas, Literárias e Cinematográficas, Covilhã, Serviços Gráficos da UBI.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Classes always acquire a theoretical-practical aspect, analyzing texts provided or suggested by the teacher, listening to songs, commenting. In all syllabus contents, the teacher encourages the pertinent participation of the students and the exposition of ideas between them. The evaluation criteria are discussed at the beginning of the semester: it includes the completion of a monographic research work of 10 pages (15 values maximum), followed in a tutorial by the teacher in the last classes, in progressive autonomy of the student, with oral presentation (3 values maximum). The student's attendance and active participation in classes are also taken into account in the final grade of the UC (2 values ??max.). The vast bibliography provided at the beginning of the semester serves as a starting point for autonomous research.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-12-04

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