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  3. Cinema
  4. Ethics


Code 16635
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Philosophy
Entry requirements Not applicable
Learning outcomes This curricular unit represents an introduction to ethics. The objective is to promote the reflection on the cinema role in
the ethic and moral formation of individuals and societies. At the end of the curricular unit, the student should be able (i)
to limit the sphere of ethics; (ii) to discuss the relationship between ethics, politics and law; (iii) to identify different
ethics theories and describe their characteristics; (iv) to evaluate the filmic approach on ethical questions from the
ethical typology field; (v) to take a stand on the movie role in the ethic and moral formation of individuals.
Syllabus 1. Introduction: 1.1. Distinction or relation between ethical and moral. 1.2. The sui generis epistemological character of
the ethical discourse. 1.3. Ethics, politics and law. 2. Normative ethical theories: 2.1. Theory of virtues. 2.2. Deontological
ethics. 2.3. Utilitarianism. 3. Ethics and Cinema: 3.1. The problem of ethics in the art and in the cinema. 3.2. Ethics at the
documentaries. 3.3. Ethics at the fiction.
Main Bibliography Camps, V (org.) (1999). História de la ética, vols. 1 e 2. Madrid: Crítica.
_____________ (2000). História de la ética, vol 3. Madrid: Crítica.
Freire, M. (2007), Relação, encontro e reciprocidade: algumas reflexões sobre a ética no cinema documentário
contemporâneo, In Revista Galáxia (13­28) nº14.
Jones, W. & Vice, S. (eds.) (2011). Ethics at the cinema. New York: Oxford University Press.
Santos, J. M. (2012). Introdução à Ética. Lisboa: Documenta.
Santos, A. L. M. (2014). No princípio era o êthos. Elementos para uma análise da transversalidade ética no cinema, In A.
C. Valente & R. Capucho (coord.). AVANCA | CINEMA 2014 (1090­1095). Avanca: Edições Cine­Clube de Avanca.
Singer, P. (ed.) (1993). A companion to ethics. Oxford: Blackwell.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The methodology adopted takes into account both the essentially reflective nature of ethics and the importance of conceptual rigor and of going beyond the merely opinionated. In this way, it is considered important to
the transmission of content, which aims to provide the student with fundamental conceptual and theoretical tools, to promote
debate on film analysis and on the role of cinema and filmmakers in ethical education. The assessment elements will be:
a. A group assignment (written and oral presentation): analysis of a film in class (50%)
b. An individual assignment (40%)
c. Class participation and attendance (10%)
Attendance of at least 75% in class (the syllabus has been designed with the students' actual presence in mind), punctuality, as well as the overall behavior of the students (aspects such as the interest shown, the relevance or objectivity of the interventions).
Minimum mark to be admitted to the exam: 6 (six)
Any evidence of plagiarism will be penalized with 0.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.


Não tem Fotografia.
Janilce Silva Praseres


Last updated on: 2024-09-20

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