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  4. Avaliação no Ensino: Os Novos Paradigmas

Avaliação no Ensino: Os Novos Paradigmas

Code 16728
Year 1
Semester L0
ECTS Credits 1
Workload TP(17H)
Scientific area Chemistry
Entry requirements n.a.
Learning outcomes Understand the importance of new educational paradigms, with emphasis on distance learning, the use of
new and technologies the application of artificial intelligence in the teaching-learning process
- Promote an exchange of experiences in a teaching-learning environment.
- Empower trainees with new skills within the scope of new educational paradigms through interactive sessions.
Syllabus - Nau platform and remote assessment
- Love's chemistry
- Meaning(s) of Assessment: what’s new?
- Development of skills based on student authorship of digital media
- The superpowers of Artificial Intelligence
- Discussion about assessment in teaching and new paradigms
Interactive Sessions:
Practical activities with Phyphox
Teaching, Assessing and Learning in the Era of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)
ChemSketch: A Didactic Tool for Teaching Chemistry
Interactive Whiteboards and Pedagogical Practices
Assessment in Higher Education: "Do a piece of work about..." and flipped classroom rehearsals”
From ‘teaching to know’ to ‘learning to think’
Astronomy: the distance that brings science teaching closer
-Assessment in teaching with face-to-face and distance technological tools: some examples
- My bike calculates areas”
Main Bibliography Moché , D. L. (2002), "Astronomia", Gradiva.
-Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (2007). ACD/ChemSketch: Comprehensive Interface Description (Reference Manual). Disponível em:
- Dias, J. H. (org.) (2010) Projetar a felicidade na escola: o novo paradigma da filosofia Aplicada.
- Seeling, T. (2021). Encontre sua criatividade: redescubra seu potencial criativo com estratégias simples.
- UNESCO (2019). Artificial intelligence in education, compendium of promising initiatives: Mobile Learning Week 2019. Acedido em:
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-01-26

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