Main Bibliography |
Cinelli, G., De Cort, M. & Tollefsen, T., 2019. European Atlas of Natural Radiation. Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union. Knoll, G. F., 2000. Radiation Detection and Measurement. 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York. Van der Stricht, E. & Kirchmann, R., 2001. Radioecology, radioactivity & ecosystems. Liège: Van der Stricht, E.; Kirchmann, R.. Gilmore, Gordon R., 2008. Pratical Gamma-ray Spectrometry. 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons. New York.
The course encourages bibliographical research by participants as a reinforcement of self-learning.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The students' tasks are to present a group work, developed by each group, which includes the SDGs, the creation and presentation of an escape room and a final report related to the radon measurements including the field trip and the results of the experimental work.