Code |
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ECTS Credits |
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Learning outcomes |
This course unit aims to study literary criticism, based on concepts of literary theory, and also the creation of artistic texts, through practical exercises. 1. Show knowledge of the main trends of literary critical studies in Classical Antiquity, as well as throughout the XIX, XX and XXI centuries. 2. Reveal ability to produce poetic and narrative texts that respect some basic principles of the exercise of literary creation.
Syllabus |
1. History of the word "literature". 2. Plato and Aristotle; 3. Rhetoric: its importance to the deviation theories. 4. The idealist stylistic. 5. The Russian formalists. 6. Roman Jakobson: - Literary Studies and Linguistic Studies; - the theory of the poetic function. 7. Structuralism. 8. The pragmatic study of literature. 9. The aesthetics of reception: R. Ingarden, Iser, U. Eco and others. 10. Deconstruction. 11. Practical exercises to create lyrical and narrative texts. This syllabus contains several points that develop either the critical and the creative dimension of the literary activity.
Main Bibliography |
Carlos Reis, "O Conhecimento da Literatura", Coimbra, Almedina. João de Mancelos, "Introdução à Escrita Criativa", Lisboa, Colibri. José María Pozuelo Yvancos, "Teoría del Lenguaje Literario", Madrid, Cátedra. Lafos Egri, "Art of Creative Writing", New York, Citadel. Vítor Manuel de Aguiar e Silva, "Teoria da Literatura", Coimbra, Almedina.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Since the classes are theoretical-practical, they will have an initial part that is eminently theoretical, during which, however, dialogue with the students is privileged. In a second moment of these classes, the practical work of text analysis stands out. In a final phase, the students' creative productions are read and commented on. All of this is projected in the evaluation criteria: the written test mainly covers the theoretical part, while the assignments to be delivered focus on the more creative dimension of student involvement in this curricular unit, whether in the form of an essay or through the creation of lyrical and narrative texts. And finally, two values are attributed to active participation in class.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.