Code |
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ECTS Credits |
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Learning outcomes |
In this course unit, it is intended to study Spanish literature from Romanticism to the present moment, going through its different periods (Realism, " Generación del 98", "Modernismo" ...). The students must: 1. Check the reading of a set of key works of Spanish literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; 2. Demonstrate knowledge related to how the Western major aesthetic and cultural movements materialize in the Spanish creative writing during these two centuries; 3. Assuming the perspective of literary studies, reveal an insight into the complex reality of contemporary Spain.
Syllabus |
1. The labyrinths of romanticism. 2. First romantic protagonists: the articles of Larra and the poetry of Espronceda. 3. Zorrilla and his version of D. Juan. 4. Two romantic poets at the dawn of modernity: Bécquer and Rosalía. 5. Realism and naturalism in Spanish literature. 6. Two novelists. "Clarín" and Benito Pérez Galdós. 7. The literary revolution of the "modernismo". 8. The lyrical adventure of Rubén Darío. 9. Fundamental features of the Generation of 1898: works, themes, authors. 10. A novelist of the Spanish crisis: Pío Baroja. 11. Two particular personalities: Valle-Inclán and Miguel de Unamuno. 12. Two poets of transition: Antonio Machado and Juan Ramón Jiménez. 13. The Generation of 1927: study of the major poets who compose it. 14. The tragedy of Federico García Lorca. 15. Trends in Spanish literature after 1939. 16. A reflection on some literature produced in other languages of Spain. Readings: L. Alas,"La regenta"; B. P. Galdós, "Nazarín"; F. G. Lorca, "La CBA".
Main Bibliography |
Iris M. Zavala (org.), "Historia y crítica de la literatura española", vol. V, "Romanticismo y realismo", Barcelona, Editorial Crítica; José Carlos Mainer Baqué (org.), "Historia y crítica de la literatura española", vol. VI, "Modernismo y 98", Barcelona, Editorial Crítica; Víctor García de la Concha, "Historia y crítica de la literatura española", vol. VII, "Época contemporánea: 1914-1939", Barcelona, Editorial Crítica.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
This curricular unit involves 60 teaching hours, of a theoretical-practical nature. In theoretical-practical classes, interactivity is essential. There will be a list of required readings to study, including major works of Spanish literature from this period. A lot of information is exchanged via email. The creative assimilation of the material studied is valued by the teacher. The evaluation is periodic. There are two written tests, each element worth 7 points on a scale of 20, as well as a research paper with a weight of 4 points. Mandatory attendance: 22 of the 30 collective sessions. Bonus for outstanding participation: up to 2 points. Minimum grade for access to the exam: 6.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.