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Religion and Culture

Code 16987
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Cultura
Entry requirements Not applicable
Learning outcomes The teaching of this U.C. aims to put the student in a position to think, create and communicate Culture, giving the ability to recognize the relevance of the religious dimension in the face of the epistemological challenges of the new humanities.
Syllabus 1) Religion and Culture
1.1. The archaic relationship between Sacred and Profane in the foundation of Cultures: polysemy of «hierophany», «sacer» and «prophanum». Myth, symbol and rite as essential determinations of Culture
1.2. The notions of religion and culture: polysemy of the terms «cultum» and «religio»
1.3. Civilizational religious matrices: from polytheisms to monotheisms
2) Culture without Religion
2.1. Ancient criticisms of religion: Xenophanes, Critias, Lucretius
2.2. Modern culture as a critique of religion: rationalism and enlightenment;
2.3. Modern Politics and Science as Substitutes for Religion
3) Religion without Culture?
3.1. The return of fideisms: sectarianism, fanaticism and fundamentalism
3.2. Religion and Violence: the problem of religious and cultural intolerance. Clash of civilizations? Global ethics?
3.3. Religion and Culture: intercultural and ecumenical revival of religious non-violence
Main Bibliography ENUMA ELISH. Epopeia da criação, trad. port. The Seven Tablets of Creation, London: Luzac and Co., 1902 XENÓFANES, in Fragmentos presocráticos, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2008
GREGÓRIO DE NISSA, A Criação do Homem, São Paulo: Paulus, 2011
NIETZSCHE Friedrich, A Gaia Ciência, in Obras Incompletas, São Paulo: Nova Cultural, 1999
AA.VV., O Sagrado e as Culturas, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Lisboa, 1992
ELIADE Mircea, O Sagrado e o Profano, Lisboa, Ed. Livros do Brasil, [s.d.]
FRIEDLANDER Albert, Globalização: ciência, cultura e religiões, Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2003
RODRIGUES Donizete (Org.), Em nome de Deus: a religião na sociedade contemporânea, Porto: Afrontamento, 2004
ROSA José Maria Silva (em col.), “Religião,” in Verbo. Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Cultura –Ed. Séc. XXI, vol. 25, Lisboa: Verbo, 2003, cols. 10-53 ZILLES Urbano, «A crítica da religião na modernidade», in INTERAÇÕES - Cultura e Comunidade, (2008) 37-54
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The teaching sessions will be based on a didactic-pedagogical methodology aimed at providing
1. an expository theoretical dynamic (AT's), in view of the diachronic and synchronic structuring of historical, conceptual and systemic contents;
2. an interactive practical dynamic (AP's), with a view to inducing analytical, critical and reasoning procedures;
3. constant tutorial monitoring of the learning process (OT's), in view of a progressive familiarization with some of the outstanding texts of religious culture
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-07

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