Syllabus |
1) Religion and Culture 1.1. The archaic relationship between Sacred and Profane in the foundation of Cultures: polysemy of «hierophany», «sacer» and «prophanum». Myth, symbol and rite as essential determinations of Culture 1.2. The notions of religion and culture: polysemy of the terms «cultum» and «religio» 1.3. Civilizational religious matrices: from polytheisms to monotheisms 2) Culture without Religion 2.1. Ancient criticisms of religion: Xenophanes, Critias, Lucretius 2.2. Modern culture as a critique of religion: rationalism and enlightenment; 2.3. Modern Politics and Science as Substitutes for Religion 3) Religion without Culture? 3.1. The return of fideisms: sectarianism, fanaticism and fundamentalism 3.2. Religion and Violence: the problem of religious and cultural intolerance. Clash of civilizations? Global ethics? 3.3. Religion and Culture: intercultural and ecumenical revival of religious non-violence
Main Bibliography |
ENUMA ELISH. Epopeia da criação, trad. port. The Seven Tablets of Creation, London: Luzac and Co., 1902 XENÓFANES, in Fragmentos presocráticos, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2008 GREGÓRIO DE NISSA, A Criação do Homem, São Paulo: Paulus, 2011 NIETZSCHE Friedrich, A Gaia Ciência, in Obras Incompletas, São Paulo: Nova Cultural, 1999 AA.VV., O Sagrado e as Culturas, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Lisboa, 1992 ELIADE Mircea, O Sagrado e o Profano, Lisboa, Ed. Livros do Brasil, [s.d.] FRIEDLANDER Albert, Globalização: ciência, cultura e religiões, Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2003 RODRIGUES Donizete (Org.), Em nome de Deus: a religião na sociedade contemporânea, Porto: Afrontamento, 2004 ROSA José Maria Silva (em col.), “Religião,” in Verbo. Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Cultura –Ed. Séc. XXI, vol. 25, Lisboa: Verbo, 2003, cols. 10-53 ZILLES Urbano, «A crítica da religião na modernidade», in INTERAÇÕES - Cultura e Comunidade, (2008) 37-54
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The teaching sessions will be based on a didactic-pedagogical methodology aimed at providing 1. an expository theoretical dynamic (AT's), in view of the diachronic and synchronic structuring of historical, conceptual and systemic contents; 2. an interactive practical dynamic (AP's), with a view to inducing analytical, critical and reasoning procedures; 3. constant tutorial monitoring of the learning process (OT's), in view of a progressive familiarization with some of the outstanding texts of religious culture