Learning outcomes |
1.Develop the analysis ability of the greater collective moments and of the most important cultural achievements of the Portuguese society in the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, in different areas, although privileging the Humanities; 2.Prepare a short essay.
Understand great collective moments, achievements, cultural institutions, issues and problems experienced in the Portuguese society of the XIX-XXI centuries, necessary to the solidification of a clear and personalized cultural awareness and to an enlightened interpretation of the present times.
Syllabus |
Aiming the search for national identity and destiny in the narrative post 25 th of April, in which is reflected the returning of Portugal to its European dimension, we suggest the following writers, works and themes: João Aguiar, A Voz dos Deuses - a return to origins; Manuel Alegre, Jornada de África - sebastianism and anti colonial war; António Lobo Antunes, As Naus - the deconstruction of the mythical expansionist Portugal; Mário Cláudio, Peregrinação de Barnabé das Índias - reinventing India by writing; José Saramago, A Jangada de Pedra - questioning the future of Portugal; José Saramago, Viagem a Portugal - the reinvention of the country. Peering Salzarista deconstruction of the myth of Portuguese Africa, the authors and works proposed are the following: Manuel Alegre, Jornada de África; António Lobo Antunes, Os Cus de Judas; Mário Cláudio, Tocata para Dois Clarins.
Main Bibliography |
CUNHA, Luís, A Nação nas malhas da sua identidade. O Estado Novo e a construção da identidade nacional, Porto: Afrontamento, 2002. LOURENÇO, Eduardo, Nós e a Europa ou as Duas Razões, Lisboa, IC-CM, 1978. PEREIRA, António dos Santos, Portugal Descoberto, 2 vols., Universidade da Beira Interior, 2008. MATTOSO, José, A Identidade Nacional, Lisboa, ed. Fundação Mário Soares – Gradiva, 1998. PETROV, Petar, O Romance Português Pós-25 de Abril, Lisboa, Roma Editora, 2005. QUADROS, António, A Ideia de Portugal na Literatura Portuguesa dos Últimos 100 Anos, Lisboa, Fundação Lusíada, 1989. REIS, Carlos, “Romance e História depois da Revolução – José Saramago e a ficção portuguesa contemporânea”, in Anais do XIV Encontro de Professores Universitários Brasileiros de Literatura Portuguesa, CECLIP/CPGL – EDIPUCRS, Porto Alegre, 1994, pp. 169-181. According to the chosen author and issue, students will be provided with more specific bibliography.