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  3. Didactic, Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Studies
  4. Classical Antiquity Fiction

Classical Antiquity Fiction

Code 8582
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Literaturas
Mode of delivery - Lessons of practical-theoretical nature; - Sessions of tutorial guidance.
Work placements It doesn't apply.
Learning outcomes Reflect on the major trends and authors of Greek and Latin fiction in order to appreciate great works of classical Antiquity.
Relate the fiction in classical Antiquity to the myth, tragedy, comedy and novel. By the end of the semester, the student must be able to:
- distinguish between fiction, History and poetry;
- recognize the trends of classic fiction through narrative and theater;
- relate the fiction in classical Antiquity to the myth, tragedy, comedy and ancient novel;
- analyze Greek and Latin works of reference;
- valorize classical ficcionality in its continuously influence.
Syllabus 1. Fiction versus History and poetry: distinction of concepts.
2. The fiction through narrative and theater: the components of fiction.
3. The fictional narrative: origins of the novel.
3.1. The fiction of Greek literature: liad and Odyssey, of Homer.
3.1. The fiction of Latin literature: Satyricon, of Petronius.
4. The theatrical fiction: relationship with the myth.
4.1. Greek tragedy: Oedipus Rex, of Sophocles.
4.2. Latin comedy: Amphitryon, of Plautus.
Main Bibliography Main bibliography:
ARISTÓTELES, Poética, ed. de Eudoro de Sousa, Lisboa, IN-CM, 1998.
GRIMAL, Pierre, Dicionário de Mitologia Grega e Romana, Lisboa, Difel, 1999.
HOMERO, Ilíada, trad. de Frederico Lourenço, Lisboa, Cotovia, 2005.
HOMERO, Odisseia, trad. de Frederico Lourenço, Lisboa, Cotovia, 2003.
PEREIRA, M. H. Rocha, Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica, vol. 1, Cultura Grega, e vol. 2, Cultura Romana, Lisboa, FCG, 1993/1989.
PETRÓNIO, Satyricon, trad. de Delfim Leão, Lisboa, Cotovia, 2005.
PLATÃO, A República, ed. de M. H. Rocha Pereira, Lisboa, FCG, 1996.
PLAUTO, Anfitrião, trad. de Louro da Fonseca, Coimbra, INIC / CECH da Universidade de Coimbra, 1988.
ROBERT, Marthe, Roman des Origines et Origine du Roman, Paris, Seuil, 1988.
SÓFOCLES, Rei Édipo, trad. de Ma do Céu Fialho, Lisboa, Edições 70 / Instituto de Estudos Clássicos da FLUC, 1999.

All the other references will be recommended during the Semmester.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2015-01-20

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