The Department of Electromechanical Engineering (DEM) is an organic sub-unit dedicated to teaching, research and provision of services in the scientific areas of “Mechanics/Thermodynamics”, “Electrotechnics and Electronics”, and “Instrumentation, Automation and Control” and integrates at the Faculty of Engineering (FE).
DEM coordinates the operation of the 1st cycle courses (Bachelor's Degree) in Electromechanical Engineering, Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management and Bioengineering. Coordinates the operation of 2nd cycle courses (Master's) in Electromechanical Engineering, Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Bioengineering. It also coordinates the operation of the 3rd cycle (PhD) courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Management. The 1st cycle and 2nd cycle courses in Industrial Design are co-tutored with the Department of Arts. The total number of students enrolled in the three study cycles is over 470.
DEM professors also collaborate in teaching curricular units of other courses such as Aeronautical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, among others. The teaching staff, with a high degree of specialization, is made up of 27 teachers: 3 Full Professors, 6 Associate Professors (5 with Habilitation), 13 Assistant Professors. 4 Invited Assistant Professors and 6 Invited Assistants collaborate with DEM. Research activities are carried out in collaboration with a large number of companies, with emphasis on the strategic partnership with Altice and PSA.
Research, innovation and technological development activities are integrated into Research & Development centers funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, namely:
The Department of Electromechanical Engineering occupies Building 1 of the FE, four laboratory spaces and several offices in Building 2 and also has workshop spaces. The laboratories cover areas as Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, Instrumentation and Data Acquisition, Telecommunications, Automation and Control (including planning and control of electrical energy systems), CAD/CAM, Prototyping and Product Design, Mechanics Materials, Energy and Thermal Machines, Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission, Hydrodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Mechanical Systems, thus covering the main scientific areas of the courses coordinated by the Department.
DEM regularly promotes scientific and technological dissemination through the organization of Seminars and Conferences on topics related to the areas of the courses coordinated by the Department, in which teachers, students and national and foreign specialists participate.
The DEM supports and stimulates the cultural and leisure activities developed by teachers, researchers, collaborators and the Electromechanical Engineering Student Groups, NEUBI (; Industrial Design, NEDI; and Electrical and Computer Engineering, ELECTRUBI, namely in the organization of study visits and short courses.
Support Structures
- Automation and Robotics Laboratory
- Product Design and Prototyping Laboratory
- Laboratory of Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Electrotechnics Laboratory
- Laboratory of Energy and Thermal Machines
- Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory
- Laboratory of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
- Computer Aided Machining Laboratory
- Ceramic Materials Laboratory
- Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Systems
- Fluid Mechanics, Turbomachinery and Hydrodynamics Laboratory
- Materials Mechanics Laboratory
- Telecommunications Laboratory
- Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission
- Audiovisual Support OfficePole IVBlock 7 WorkIn@FCSH Space
- Manufacturing Laboratory
Calçada Fonte do Lameiro
6201-001 Covilha
Tel.: +351 275 242 055 | Ext.: 1811