The Legal Advice Office is, in accordance with the UBI’s statutes, a support service to the Rectory, with the primary mission to ensure legal support to the Rector’s team, collaborating with several University bodies, namely the General Council, the Senate and the Disciplinary Section, as well as several working groups, with a view to the implementation of reforms instituted at the University, a role that is performed to attain the continuous improvement of the University of Beira Interior.
Among other responsibilities, the Legal Advice Office collaborates in the preparation and analysis of the internal regulations of the University and its various bodies, particularly the regulations of academic context; it is also responsible for: the preparation of opinions and information on various subjects requested by the Rectory and to the bodies and entities expressly authorized by that; the drawing up of contracts; the statement and follow up of tenders’ processes, including those related to the purchase of goods and services and public works, drafting contract documents and tenders’ programs, minutes, responses to complaints/appeals eventually presented; the statement of disciplinary, investigation and inquiries proceedings; the study and analysis of written complaints and appeals elaborated by students, staff or teachers and the elaboration of the respective replies; the analysis of protocols, statutes and arrangements established with entities of which the UBI is a grantor; the daily and selective disclosure of legal diplomas published that can be of interest to the various bodies and services of UBI; the constitution and organization of the Legal Advice Office database, available at: