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Office for Innovation and Development

Office for Innovation and Development

  • GAPPI- Support Office for Projects and Promotion of Research
  • GGPP-Office for Management of Programs and Projects

The Office for Innovation and Development exercises its responsibilities in supporting the administrative and financial management of the projects, in the technological development activities of UBI, in the knowledge transferring and its economical valorisation and, also, in the management and valorisation of intellectual property, boosting business relations and support for entrepreneurship, being thus responsible for:

  1. To identify, systematize and disseminate information relating to competitive funding opportunities, national and international, public or private, about management rules of applications, projects and activities;
  2. To disclose information relating to management rules of applications and co-financed projects;
  3. To ensure the administrative, economic and financial management of projects and activities of UBI, in the context of co-financing and self-financing programs, in which UBI is the promoter or partner entity;
  4. To support technically the elaboration of applications to I&D and institutional projects;
  5. To ensure the licensing of industrial property and promote the commercialization of the I&D results;
  6. To support the creation of innovative and technology-based companies;
  7. To promote the link of the University to the business area, as well as national and international networks for the promotion of technology transfer and entrepreneurship.

The Office for Innovation and Development is divided into two sectors:

  1. Projects Support, designated by GAPPI;
  2. Management of programs and projects.



GAPPI - Support Office for Projects and Promotion of Research


To support the UBI in its aim to become an RTD centre of national and international reference and the dissemination of knowledge through the transfer of its technological offer business sector, stimulating regional development and entrepreneurship.



The GAPPI, within the framework of its specific activities, ensures that the sector in which it is integrated, fulfils its objectives.





GGPP – Office for Management of Programs and Projects


Support the administrative and financial execution of projects of I&D technically.



Within its specific activities the GGPP ensures that the sector in which it is integrated, meets its goals.




Last update on: 28/05/2015

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