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Mathematics and Applications — 1st Cycle Degree

Study Plan: Mathematics and Applications

Year Semester Code Curricular unit Scientific area ECTS credits
1 S1 14757 M 7,5
1 S1 14758 M 7,5
1 S1 14759 M 6
1 S1 14760 I 6
1 S1 14761 M 3
1 S2 14762 M 7,5
1 S2 14763 M 6
1 S2 14764 M 6
1 S2 14765 F 6
1 S2 14766 M 4,5
2 S1 14767 M 6
2 S1 14768 M 6
2 S1 14770 M 6
2 S1 14771 ACO 6
2 S1 14778 M 6
2 S2 14777 M 6
2 S2 14779 ACO 6
2 S2 14780 ACO 6
2 S2 14788 M 6
2 S2 14789 M 6
3 S1 14769 M 6
3 S1 14776 M 6
3 S1 14787 M 6
3 S1 14790 ACO 6
3 S1 14791 ACO 6
3 S2 14801 ACO 6
3 S2 14802 ACO 6
3 S2 14803 ACO 6
3 S2 14817 M 12


Year Semester Code Curricular unit Scientific area ECTS credits
Option Group 1
2 S1 14773 Microeconomics I ECON 6
2 S1 14774 Object Oriented Programming I 6
2 S1 14814 Multimedia I 6
2 S1 15372 Difference Equations and Applications M 6
2 S1 16610 Introduction to Number Theory M 6
Option Group (5/0)
2 S2 14772 History and Philosophy of Mathematics M 6
2 S2 14781 Metric and Topological Spaces M 6
2 S2 14783 Macroeconomics I ECON 6
2 S2 14784 Microeconomics II ECON 6
2 S2 14786 Functional Programming I 6
2 S2 16611 Programação Inteira M 6
Option 3
2 S2 14772 History and Philosophy of Mathematics M 6
2 S2 14781 Metric and Topological Spaces M 6
2 S2 14783 Macroeconomics I ECON 6
2 S2 14784 Microeconomics II ECON 6
2 S2 14786 Functional Programming I 6
2 S2 16611 Programação Inteira M 6
Option 4
3 S1 14793 Difference Equations and Applications M 6
3 S1 14795 Macroeconomics II ECON 6
3 S1 14796 Microeconomics III ECON 6
3 S1 14797 Econometrics I ECON 6
3 S1 14798 Artificial Intelligence I 6
3 S1 14800 Financial Mathematics GEST 6
3 S1 14808 Computational Statistics M 6
3 S1 14809 Numerical Analysis II M 6
3 S1 14813 Computation Theory I 6
3 S1 14815 Databases I 6
3 S1 16613 Introduction to Number Theory M 6
3 S1 16614 Signal and Image Processing F 6
Option 5
3 S1 14793 Difference Equations and Applications M 6
3 S1 14795 Macroeconomics II ECON 6
3 S1 14796 Microeconomics III ECON 6
3 S1 14797 Econometrics I ECON 6
3 S1 14798 Artificial Intelligence I 6
3 S1 14800 Financial Mathematics GEST 6
3 S1 14808 Computational Statistics M 6
3 S1 14809 Numerical Analysis II M 6
3 S1 14813 Computation Theory I 6
3 S1 14815 Databases I 6
3 S1 16613 Introduction to Number Theory M 6
3 S1 16614 Signal and Image Processing F 6
Option 6
3 S2 14775 Computacional Logic I 6
3 S2 14799 Algorithms and Data Structures I 6
3 S2 14804 Algebraic Plane Curves M 6
3 S2 14805 Dynamical Systems M 6
3 S2 14806 Variational Methods M 6
3 S2 14810 Econometrics II ECON 6
3 S2 14811 Macroeconomics III ECON 6
3 S2 14812 Laboratory of Applied Economics ECON 6
3 S2 14816 Corporate Finance GEST 6
3 S2 14818 Computer Security I 6
3 S2 14819 Database Applications I 6
3 S2 15373 History and Philosophy of Mathematics M 6
3 S2 15374 Metric and Topological Spaces M 6
3 S2 16612 Programação Inteira M 6
Option 7
3 S2 14775 Computacional Logic I 6
3 S2 14799 Algorithms and Data Structures I 6
3 S2 14804 Algebraic Plane Curves M 6
3 S2 14805 Dynamical Systems M 6
3 S2 14806 Variational Methods M 6
3 S2 14810 Econometrics II ECON 6
3 S2 14811 Macroeconomics III ECON 6
3 S2 14812 Laboratory of Applied Economics ECON 6
3 S2 14816 Corporate Finance GEST 6
3 S2 14818 Computer Security I 6
3 S2 14819 Database Applications I 6
3 S2 15373 History and Philosophy of Mathematics M 6
3 S2 15374 Metric and Topological Spaces M 6
3 S2 16612 Programação Inteira M 6
Option 8
3 S2 14775 Computacional Logic I 6
3 S2 14799 Algorithms and Data Structures I 6
3 S2 14804 Algebraic Plane Curves M 6
3 S2 14805 Dynamical Systems M 6
3 S2 14806 Variational Methods M 6
3 S2 14810 Econometrics II ECON 6
3 S2 14811 Macroeconomics III ECON 6
3 S2 14812 Laboratory of Applied Economics ECON 6
3 S2 14816 Corporate Finance GEST 6
3 S2 14818 Computer Security I 6
3 S2 14819 Database Applications I 6
3 S2 15373 History and Philosophy of Mathematics M 6
3 S2 15374 Metric and Topological Spaces M 6
3 S2 16612 Programação Inteira M 6

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