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Study Plan: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Year Semester Code Curricular unit Scientific area ECTS credits
1 S1 15376 IAC 6
1 S1 15378 EE 6
1 S1 15379 EE 6
1 S1 15380 IAC 6
1 S1 15398 SC 6
1 S2 15381 EE 6
1 S2 15382 IAC 6
1 S2 15383 IAC 6
1 S2 15384 IAC 6
1 S2 15385 ACO 6
2 A1 15397 EE 48
2 S1 15390 ACO 6
2 S1 15399
SC 6


Year Semester Code Curricular unit Scientific area ECTS credits
Option 1
1 S2 15377 Discrete and Digital Control IAC 6
1 S2 15389 Electric Vehicles Technology EE 6
1 S2 15400 Segurança de Sistemas Informáticos SC 6
1 S2 15401 Produção e Armazenamento de Energia Elétrica de Fontes Renováveis EE 6
Option 2
2 S1 15386 Software Engineering SC 6
2 S1 15392 Power System Operation and Control IAC 6
2 S1 15395 Object Oriented Programming SC 6
2 S1 15396 Industrial Robotics IAC 6
2 S1 15402 Fault Diagnosis in Electromechatronic Systems EE 6
2 S1 15403 Machine-to-Machine Communication IAC 6
2 S1 15404 Communication Architectures and Protocols SC 6

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