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Studies on Culture

 2nd Cycle Degree     Departamento Comunicação, Filosofia e Política [Portuguese]

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Study plan   Studies on Culture


Rótulo Texto
DGES code
CNAEF classification 312 | Portaria n.º 256/2005
ECTS 120



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Assessment/Accreditation/Registration A3ES Accreditation, 31-03-2023
Self-assessment Report
Initial registry: R/A-Cr 6/2017 de 20-03-2017

General Access Regime  

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Admission Requirements
Vacancies 25 (2024)


Label Texto
Profile of the programme In agreement with the principles which presided the creation at UBI of the 1st study cycle in Sciences of
Culture, and in its commitment to scientific and pedagogical robustness, the new programme boasts a
distinctive connection to the surrounding region and its institutions, cultural and otherwise, as well as a
marked professionalising penchant, along with the indispensable focus of the students opting for the
research path.
Stemming from the firm commitment to entrepreneurship in the multidisciplinary area of Culture and
Studies on Culture, which finds its way into the curriculum and is evident in the institutional cooperation
with the partner entities, the new programme will also foster internationalisation, attracting students from
abroad, promoting the mobility of teaching staff and students, the visibility of research and projects
developed in the remit of its teaching-learning activities.
Key learning outcomes Resulting from a close interinstitutional collaboration, the new programme will afford its future graduates:
the ability to take part in cultural initiatives with high conceptual and operational versatility; to evoke new
dynamics in endogenous and exogenous contexts, signalling new research lines and the emergence of
new social and professional dynamics; to grasp concepts and practices of cultural entrepreneurship,
developing the critical ability to evaluate its impact and measure its effects; to creatively conceive projects
theoretically sustained in the understanding of the role of culture in the wider context of artistic practices,
against the backdrop of the diversity of its expressions; the command of concepts and practices in cultural
policy, at once specific objects of research and models for action in domains such as identities, economics
of creativity, or cultural production and dissemination.
Occupational profiles of graduates The new Master Program in Studies on Culture of UBI offers two distinct possibilities at the end of its multidisciplinary basis training which is sponsored by the attendance of its curricular path, a vocational or professional route and the classical scientific investigation path, signaling as its specialization areas the Cultural entrepreneurship, Culture and artistic expressions and the Cultural policies.
Learning facilities Number of equipments/its description:
17 Classrooms
15 Teaching Staff offices
2 secretarial offices
Sessions’ Room
Labcom. IFP’s Room
1 Audio-visual Studio
1 Film Studio
1 Radio Laboratory
2 Photography Laboratories
3 Post-production rooms
1 Newsroom
2 Amphitheatres
1 Technical Services Room
Language Laboratory
Central Library: Ground Floor – Auditorium
Central Library: 1st floor – Formal Reading Room
Central Library: 2nd floor – Seminar Room
In addition to these FAL facilities, students can also count on facilities of FSHC, such as Classrooms, a
Central Library, Audio-visual Support Office or a Post-Graduation and Events Support Office. To this set of
UBI’s own facilities, it should be added the partner’s ones, in which takes place part of the students
training, particularly the workshop classes provided in the study plan.

Erasmus+ Agreements

Erasmus Agreements
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven • Bélgica • Duration: S
  • Universidad de Valladolid • Espanha • Duration: S
  • Uniwersytet Slaski w Katowicach • Polónia • Duration: S

Departamento de Comunicação, Filosofia e Política

Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã
275 242 024

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Urbano Mestre Sidoncha
 [Ficheiro Local]
Mobility coordinator
Carla Sofia Gomes Xavier Luis


Scientific Committee
Urbano Mestre Sidoncha
Alcides Almeida Monteiro
Alexandre António da Costa Luís
Catarina Isabel Grácio de Moura
Joaquim Paulo Mateus Serra
José António Campelo de Sousa Amaral
José António Duarte Domingues

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
Urbano Mestre sidoncha
Catarina Isabel Grácio Moura(1st)
José António Duarte Domingues (2nd)
Year Representatives

Recognition Committee
Urbano Mestre Sidoncha
Carla Sofia Gomes Xavier Luís
José António Campelo de Sousa Amaral
Alexandre António da Costa Luís
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2020-01-11

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