Profile of the programme
The main objective of the 1st cycle of studies leading to the degree of Bachelor in Aeronautical Engineering is to provide basic qualifications for the future exercise of the profession of aeronautical engineer, which is characterized by carrying out study, design, manufacturing activities, repair, inspection, quality control and airworthiness management, maintenance, and operation of air assets. The study cycle is multidisciplinary and essential for the development of aircraft, supported by a strong foundation of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics; diversifying into Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Structures, Flight Mechanics, among other areas; and applying in practical work of conception, analysis, design, construction and testing of aircraft and respective systems. In addition, this cycle of studies is also intended to train individuals with sufficient qualifications to access the 2nd cycle of studies in Aeronautical Engineering or related courses. |
Key learning outcomes
At the end of the study cycle, the student must be able to: - Understand and know how to apply the fundamentals acquired in the scientific areas of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Informatics, Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Electrotechnics and Electronics, Instrumentation, Automation and Control, and Aeronautics and Astronautics in solving problems; - Use different computer tools and be able to develop computer applications in your area of expertise; - Use laboratory equipment correctly; - Interpret descriptions of experimental methods and protocols, know how to present and interpret experimental results; - Design, build and adapt small and simple aircraft and their main components; - Analyze, identify, classify and describe the performance of aircraft and aircraft main components through the application of analytical, computational or experimental methods; - Master the practice of Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering; - Demonstrate critical thinking and ethical behavior; - Read and understand scientific documents in Portuguese and English; - Communicate orally, in Portuguese, to audiences consisting of specialists and non-specialists in the field of Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering; - Learn and work with a high degree of autonomy; - Establish interpersonal relationships and work in a multidisciplinary team; - Show responsibility at work and respect for teamwork peers; - Have initiative and ability to make decisions; - Be creative and adapt to new situations and problems; - Organize and plan tasks; - Lead and have an entrepreneurial spirit; - Develop the necessary learning skills for further studies. |
Occupational profiles of graduates
The professional opportunities for a Degree in Aeronautical Engineering are: - Planning and execution activities for the design, manufacture, testing and operation of aircraft; - Maintenance and exploration of aeronautical activities; - Management of systems related to aircraft and their operations. |
Learning facilities
Students in this course can complement their theoretical knowledge in specific laboratories in the area adequately equipped for modern experimental and computational preparation: Aerodynamics and Propulsion Laboratory, CFD Laboratory - Computational Fluid Dynamics, Avionics and Control Laboratory, Structures Laboratory and Vibrations, Anemometry Laboratory, Materials Laboratory, Informatics Laboratory, Transport Research Laboratory, Space Media Laboratory. |