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 1st Cycle Degree     Departamento Comunicação, Filosofia e Política [Portuguese]

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Study plan   Philosophy


Rótulo Texto
DGES code
CNAEF classification 226 | Portaria n.º 256/2005
Publication in the Portuguese Official Gazette Order no. 4276/2022 | DR 2nd Series, no. 233, 12th of april
Assessment/Accreditation/Registration A3ES Accreditation, 17-02-2022
Self-assessment Report
Initial Registry: R/A-Cr 6/2022 de 03-03-2022
ECTS 180

National Access Competition  

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Admission Requirements
Vacancies 22 (2024)
Lowest Admission Grade 133.7 (1.ºfase - 2023)


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Profile of the programme This Philosophy degree has adopted as its profile a philosophical performativity that is rooted in the act of questioning, assuming the importance of thinking about the issues of our times. The study plan reflects this, with course units that are questions, others that look at current challenges, with electives units that can be chosen among all the training offer of UBI, without neglecting a solid training in the history of thought.

We intend
1) To provide a systematized and participated knowledge of the theoretical contents of philosophical thought, in its wide variety of methods, themes and approaches;
2) To cultivate the disciplined and rigorous practice of philosophical questioning, through familiarization with instruments of critical analysis, interpretation and philosophical synthesis;
3) To enable to exercise philosophical interpretation of their time, their world and their history;
4) Contribute to the intellectual, socially aware maturation of students.
Key learning outcomes To equip students with a multifaceted repertoire of skills
1) systemic-historical, in order to develop the ability to locate and discuss themes, debates, currents and authors, both in the course of its temporal contextualization, either in the context of their theoretical and / or doctrinal consolidation;
2) analytical-methodological, in order to promote the ability to articulate autonomously tasks of research of sources, interpretation of texts and dissemination of results with expository rigor, interpretative flexibility and academic reliability;
3) critical-reflexive, in order to raise the art of questioning, problematizing and conceptualizing signs, events and trends in the light of the most pressing cultural, scientific, social, economic and political challenges.
Occupational profiles of graduates Philosophy teaching; labour activities with high skills of socio-cultural interpretation and public space; theoretical and applied research.
Learning facilities The study cycle will have at its disposal a set of classrooms, equipped with information technologies and access to dematerialized resources, and located in the perimeter of the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Beira Interior. This Faculty borders the UBI Library, which makes the location of the study cycle particularly privileged for the access to the resources provided by the Library. On the other hand, also in a particularly accessible way, the research unit Praxis - Centre of Philosophy, Politics and Culture is installed on the second floor of the Library. Finally, the Faculty has at least one room equipped with computers available for student work.
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]

Departamento de Comunicação, Filosofia e Política

Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã
275 242 024

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Ana Leonor Serra Morais dos Santos
Não tem Fotografia:
Mobility coordinator
Maria João Dias de Carvalho Neves Cabrita


Scientific Committee
Ana Leonor Serra Morais dos Santos
André Barata Nascimento
José António Duarte Domingues
José Maria Silva Rosa
Maria João Dias de Carvalho Neves Cabrita

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
Ana Leonor Serra Morais dos Santos
Year Coordinators
José Maria Silva Rosa (1st)
José António Duarte Domingues (2nd)
Maria João Dias de Carvalho Neves Cabrita (3rd)
Year Representatives
Sofia Adriano Ramalho Almeida Santos (1st)
Fernanda Luísa Lima Mesquita (2nd)
Ana Teresa Gonçalves Pinheiro (3rd)

Recognition Committee
Ana Leonor Serra Morais dos Santos
José António Duarte Domingues
Maria João Dias de Carvalho Neves Cabrita

Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2022-06-21

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