Profile of the programme
The main objective of the Computer Science and Engineering course is to train and educate high quality human resources with a solid and outstanding background in Computer Science, in order to allow them to respond to the needs and problems observed in the domain of Computer Science. The graduates will also be able to carry on their studies at postgraduate level. In parallel with a strong training in Computer Science, the graduates in Computer Science and Engineering, will possess multidisciplinary skills to develop their work individually and in professional teams, and be able to asses the social, economic and legal implications resulting from the use of computer sciences and technologies. |
Key learning outcomes
After taking the BSc degree in Computer Science and Engineering, the graduates will have a solid knowledge in the field, so that every single graduate will be able to apply his/her skills to the resolution of real life problems, as well as to use proper argumentation. More specifically, such skills will allow them to collect, select and interpret relevant information and communicate relevant ideas, problems and solutions for both experts and non experts The graduates will be capable of performing the following roles: - Design and develop software; - Programming applications; - Management of informatics systems; - Installing, configuring and maintaining of computer networks; - Develop 3D graphical applications; - Develop programming languages and compilers; - Provide consulting services and auditing of computer systems The graduates will be also prepared to carry on the studies for a MSc degree in Computer Science and Engineering or in other related fields. |
Occupational profiles of graduates
The professional opportunities are very diversified, highlighting the possibility of attending second cycle study cycles in Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence or Data Science. The remaining graduates enter the job market, with skills in strategic topics in the area of ??intelligent systems, with a view to performing functions: - Design and development of intelligent data analysis models; - Planning, prototyping and implementation of intelligent PLCs; - Performance of coordination functions in the analysis and development of inference systems; - Research/development in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning. |
Learning facilities
Students have at their disposal a wide range of infrastructures of support, such as the central library (with 200 computer terminals, open from 9am to 23pm) and a study room in the department. There are also more specific of the course, as the laboratories for classes: - Three laboratories for practical lessons of software development and engineering (with 30 computers per classroom) - A laboratory for practical lessons of hardware (digital systems and architecture of computers) - A laboratory for practical classes of computer networks and Internet (with routers, switches, with copper cable, optic fiber and wireless interconnects). In addition, students have access to facilities offered by the various research groups: ALLAB, IT-Covilhã HULTIG, MediaLab, NetGNA, NMCG, Regain, Release, SD, SEGAL, SociaLab (see Students also have access to wireless Internet and its services in the university campus, including in the residence halls. |