Profile of the programme
The bachelor degree in Marketing aims to provide students with an adequate cultural, scientific and technological high level of formation in the marketing domain, appropriate to the performance of several professional activities in the marketing area, having in mind the dominant competitive context and the need for internationalisation. It aims to graduate polyvalent professionals able to act in areas such as: market prospection; market research; products management; sales force administration; development of promotional programmes; definition of the logistics and distribution; planning of the integrated marketing communication; development of the e-commerce and the online communications by means of the potentialities of the web-marketing and the communication and information technologies; and development of international businesses.
Key learning outcomes
The bachelor degree in marketing aims to provide students with the following generic competences: - Ability to be critical/argumentative and self-critical; - Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity); - Ability to research, process and analyse information from several sources; - Ability to identify, pose and resolve problems; - Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; - Ability to work in team; - Ability to use information and communication technologies; - Commitment to tasks and responsibilities; - Ability to start to communicate in a second (English) language; - Ability to effectuate calculations and apply correctly the mathematical rules. Specifically, at the end of the graduation, the student should be able to: - Discuss generic topics in the scope of the economy and the management, demonstrating to have knowledge of the technical language used - Effectuate basic calculations in the field of economics, accountability and statistic - Demonstrate a deepen knowledge and understanding of the technical language of marketing management and of its specificities - Apply correctly the concepts of the client behaviour in both goods and industrial markets - Find and generate the necessary information accordingly the aims of the market research - Conceive and implement a market research plan, choosing the appropriate research method and sampling technique - Identify the target needs and to know how evaluate its satisfaction - Demonstrate to have knowledge of marketing information database management, namely in what concerns to the formats, ways of warehousing and access - Formulate a marketing plan, and the respective contingency plan and later to have knowledge to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions - Write a basic business plan - Apply techniques of product testing, to participate in the process of new products development, in the process of packaging decision and in the process of brand creation - Implement communication campaigns, opting between the several communication tools and medias - Know how to choose the distribution channels, and the politics and procedures in the scope of the e-commerce retailing and merchandising - Manage a commercial team, namely its constitution and organisation, and also to conceive programmes that aim to value the quality of the sellers’ performance, as well as motivational and remuneration mechanisms - Apply some laws and regulations in the scope of the marketing - Conceive marketing strategies adequate to services - Conceive and implement relational marketing strategies and to analyse the value of the customer portfolio - Apply the adequate tools and processes for the management of the logistic activities - Identify marketing good practices regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical principles - Perform calculations and apply correctly the mathematical rules and the statistical procedures - Negociate - Elaborate marketing reports.
Occupational profiles of graduates
- Marketing director - Marketing consultant - Market researcher and analyst - Advertising account - Commercial manager - Sales manager - Product manager - Costumer manager - Media researcher - Copywriter - Store manager - Direct marketing manager - Web-marketing and e-commerce manager Additionally three testimonials that validate the importance of the graduation in marketing, to the persecution of their professional activity, were collected: Lilia Barreiros Varejão, responsible for Account Management, Production and Business in the New Lobby Productions: "The marketing course gave me skills to be able to analyse customer needs, in order to submit a proposal relevant and appropriate for clients' business". Leonor Maria Figueiredo Sena Esteves, head of the Quality Department of Torfal - "The marketing course increased in a generalized way my skills, although I may highlight the development of my capacity for reasoning and planning projects". Azevedo José Miguel Cruz, Junior Marketing Manager at Microsoft Corporation - "The Marketing course gave me many of the tools necessary to perform my duties in one of the largest companies in the world. Allowed me to acquire the theoretical foundations and skills necessary to overcome the challenges that are proposed to me daily".
Learning facilities
The Business and Economics Department, in which the graduation in Marketing is integrated, is located in the Pole IV of the UBI and provides to all academic community the following structures and equipments: - Library with books and scientific journals specialised in the Marketing field, and also in complementary domains such as: Economics, Management, Sociology, Psychology, and others. - Bibliographic database online: B-On and PROQUEST. - NECE (Centre for Studies in Management Sciences) which is a research unit where is possible to develop researches in the marketing field. - Access point to INE (Statistics National Institute) and Centre of European Documentation in the Central Library - Informatics rooms with specific software (SPSS, EViews, Amos, Microfit, ATLAS.TI, SmartPLS, CATI) and up-dated hardware. - Wireless network accessible in all campus. - Bar/refectory. - Self-learning room. - Equipment of advanced research (eye tracking). - Multimedia Centre.