Profile of the programme
Provide students with knowledge and tools necessary to develop skills necessary to pursue the professional activity and / or scientific research in the areas of management and related services.
Key learning outcomes
- Provide scientific expertise in the areas of scientific management and related services; - Provide a set of curricular units to to provide expertise on fundamental areas of management; - Provide a set of research methodologies and techniques of data analysis to prepare students for doctoral thesis; - To provide students with skills for the preparation of their doctoral research project to develop an original and grounded doctoral thesis; - Provide students with the skills of disclosure of the results of their research with the academic community and society in general to contribute to scientific progress. |
Occupational profiles of graduates
The 3rd Studies Cycle provides advanced skills in the scientific field of management and prepares students for a career at high superior teaching institutions, research (postdoctoral. The 3rd. studies cycle allows the acquisition of skills to students, already in the labor market, enhancing their capability of performing work. |
Learning facilities
The Department of Management and Economics (DGE) is located in the IV building of the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and makes available to the entire academic community the following facilities: - Library of Social Sciences and Humanities - Bibliographic databases on online: ISI Web of Knowledge Platform (Wok); Knowledge Library on-line (B-On), which has 3500 of six scientific journals publishing full text, ProQuest database (primary database of scientific articles Management). - CEFAGE-UBI NECE and research centers that are inserted into the structure of the University of Beira Interior, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. - Access point to the INE (National Statistics Institute) and the European Documentation Centre at the Central Library. - Computer Rooms with specific software (SPSS, EViews, Amos, Microfit) and updated hardware. - Office with Wireless and network points. - Bar / Restaurant. |