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Marketing and Strategy

 3rd Cycle Degree     Departamento de Gestão e Economia [Portuguese]

Info Assessment/Accreditation Access About Contacts Coordinator(s) Comissions
Study plan   Marketing and Strategy


Rótulo Texto
DGES code
CNAEF classification 342 | Decree no. 256/2005 [PT]
Mode of study Daytime
ECTS 180
Other information Joint programme with University of Minho - University of Aveiro

General Access Regime  

Label Texto
Admission Requirements
Vacancies 20 (2024)


Label Texto
Profile of the programme The Doctoral Programme in Marketing and Strategy is a joint project from the Universities of Minho (UM), Aveiro (UA) and Beira Interior (UBI). Drawing on the synergies of the three organizing universities, this programme aims at endowing doctoral students with a state of the art vision about the advance of scientific knowledge in these areas while benefiting from the resources of three universities.
Key learning outcomes The main objective of this 3rd Study Cycle is
Learning facilities
All the facilities available in the participating schools, namely teaching spaces, administrative services, library. Students can also count with technical support from the Computer Centre Students also have at their disposal the facilities of NECE - Research Unit in Business Sciences to study and/or work.
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]
Regulation for the Doctoral Programme in Marketing and Strategy
PhD Students' Guide 2024/25

Departamento de Gestão e Economia

Estrada do Sineiro, s/n
6200-209 Covilhã
275 329 164

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Ricardo Gouveia Rodrigues
 [Ficheiro Local]
Mobility coordinator
Cristina Maria Santos Estevão


Scientific Committee
Ricardo José de Ascensão Gouveia Rodrigues
Helena Maria Baptista Alves
Cláudia Simões (UM - Vice-diretora)
Ana Maria Soares (UM)
Elisabeth Kastenholz (UA - Vice-diretora)
Maria João Carneiro (UA)

Recognition Committee
Ricardo José de Ascensão Gouveia Rodrigues
Helena Maria Baptista Alves
Cláudia Simões (UM - Vice-diretora)
Ana Maria Soares (UM)
Elisabeth Kastenholz (UA - Vice-diretora)
Maria João Carneiro (UA)
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2020-12-22

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