Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
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Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Knowledge of Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Hydrology
Mode of delivery |
Normal teaching (Face-to-face).
Work placements |
Not applicable
Learning outcomes |
There is the objective of forming professionals in agreement with the following competences: a) Recognition of the importance of the environmental aspects in the underground space; b) Understanding of the importance of the groundwater as resource in the human activity and domain of means and protection methods and management of this resource; c) Recognition of the several types of geossynthetics, its mechanical and hydraulic characterization, and to understand the empiric criteria about design of their applications; d ) Recognition of the vegetation type in works of civil engineering in applications of stability and still in situations to lessening negatives environmental aspects; e) Capacity of locating, to design and of the construction of Waste Disposal. To understand the advantages of the reuse of some wastes in the mechanical improvement of earth structures; f) To understand the usefulness of geotechnical and environmental maps for an appropriate occupation of the territory.
Syllabus |
1-Introduction to Environmental Geotechnics 2-Underground Hydric Resources and its Protection: Occurrence of the groundwaters. Groundwaters types and their uses. Elements on the movement of the groundwaters. Elements on protection and management of the exploration of the groundwaters. 3-Geossynthetics: Geossynthetics types; functions; properties; applications and design methods. 4-The Vegetation in works of Engineering Civil: Vegetation types and the applications. Elements about reinforcement works. Control of erosion in earthworks. Environmental aspects. 5-Geotechnics and the Wastes: Introduction. Waste disposal. Situations of Special Residues. Cemeteries. Geomechanics valorization from industrial waste. 6-Geotechnics and Planning of the Territory: Introduction. Engineering Geological Mapping and Environmental. Environmental impacts of urban areas and of special engineering Works. Areas with statute of special protection and Instruments of management.
Main Bibliography |
-Bennett, M. R. and Doyle, P.(1999). Environmental Geology, Editora Wiley. -Castelo Branco, E. e Santiago; A. 1993. A protecção das águas subterrâneas na concepção dos aterros controlados para resíduos sólidos urbanos. Recursos Hídricos , Vol.14, nº2 e 3 . pp.81-87. -Coppin, N.J. and Richards, I.G. (1997). Use of Vegetation in Civil Engineering. -Dinis da Gama, C. ; 2000. Geotecnia Ambiental – Perspectivas e Aplicações. XVI Lição Manuel da Rocha. Rev. Geotecnia nº90. pp.5-50. -Sant Voort, G. (Editor) (1994). Geotextiles and Geomembranes in Civil Engenieering. A.A. Balkema. -Swinnerton, C.J. (1984). Protection of groundwater in relation to waste disposal in Wessex water Authority. The Quaterly Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol.17,nº1. -Tchobanoglous et al. (1977 ). Solid Wastes : Engineering principles and management issues. McGraw – Hill. Proceedings de Eventos, nomeadamente congressos internacionais de Geotecnia Ambiental.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.