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Civil Engineering

 Integrated Master Degree     Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura [Portuguese]

Info Access About Contacts Coordinator(s) Comissions
Study plan   Civil Engineering
Branches   Civil Engineering: Geotechnical and Environment
  Civil Engineering: Structures and Construction


Rótulo Texto
DGES code
CNAEF classification 582 | Decree no. 256/2005 [PT]
Publication in the Portuguese Official Gazette Order no. 11990/2015 - DR 2nd series, no. 209, 26 October [PT]
Assessment/Accreditation/Registration A3ES Accreditation, 05-06-2011
Self-assessment Report
Initial registry: R/A-Cr 7/2011 de 16-06-2011 Changes registry: R/A-Cr 7/2011/AL01 de 24-09-2015
Mode of study Daytime
ECTS 600
Other information Statistics [PT]
The degree of licenciado in Civil Engineering Sciences is awarded after completion of 6 semesters with 180 ECTS

National Access Competition  


Label Texto
Profile of the programme The overall objective of the cycle of studies is to ensure specialized training in Civil Engineering, with an international character, required to a professional practice, with the ability to take higher responsibilities in the design of engineering solutions, serving the interests of society in general and its sustainable development. It is intended that future masters exercising the profession of Civil Engineer as defined by the Engineers Associations, applying theoretical knowledge, practical and experimental framed by economic, environmental, social and ethical constraints.
Key learning outcomes - Deepen knowledge in the areas of nuclear sciences in civil engineering, linking them in a manner consistent with the related basic sciences, seeking to establish solid bases for the scientific understanding of advanced nuclear matters and expertise of Civil Engineering;
- Develop learning methods to solve complex and diverse problems in order to prepare future masters to easily address the real situations of the profession, which in most cases, require specific, unique and non-routine solutions;
- Develop communication skills, both written and oral, to enable a clear and unambiguous exposition of knowledge and reasoning either for specialists or non specialists;
- Develop skills of critical analysis of results and technical solutions for evaluating the application of these methodologies and its replacement by others;
- Develop skills to conduct an objective performance, in order to separate the relevant information from the less relevant aspects for solving a given problem;
- Develop skills of research and study, of analysis and critical interpretation of information that can later continue learning throughout life, independently;
- Develop an awareness of the role of civil engineer in society, to ensure a professional approach in accordance with social standards, moral and ethical activity appropriated to civil engineer activity;
- Develop the propensity for scientific knowledge, entrepreneurship and innovation, rather than the routine application of methodologies;
- Develop scientific and technological skills that enable the integration on business and professional activities, in the frames of companies of studies, projects, consulting and construction, technical departments of local and governmental authorities, higher education schools, institutes and research laboratories and special services.
Occupational profiles of graduates The profession of civil engineering is multidisciplinary and therefore it requires deep knowledge and updated in several areas. Throughout his career civil engineer can intervene in different domains in particular, building structures, bridges, dams and special structures, foundations and modeling of the land, building materials, their performance, durability, recycling and recovery technologies and construction management, environmental comfort and rehabilitation of buildings, the direction and supervision of works, supply and drainage water, sanitation and solid waste treatment, of roads, water of regional and urban planning, among others.
Learning facilities Construction Lab: Technology and mechanical testing; Testing in experimental models; Durability, physical and chemical testing; Building Physics/quality and building pathology; Teaching and study of materials and models classroom; OCRE–Observatory of building Construction and Rehabilitation of Beira Interior.
Geotechnical Lab: Geology and mineralogy; Soil mechanics; Geotechnical survey; Rock mechanics and Environmental geotechnics.
Hydraulics and Environment Lab: Fluvial Hydraulics and structures; Environmental sanitation.
Mechanics and Structures Lab: Structures analysis; Materials strength; Experimental techniques in structures and Project.
Urban planning Lab: Analysis and modelling and Informatics.
Drawing and Topography Lab: Topography and computer aided design.
Classrooms e general laboratories: Geographic information systems; Drawing classroom and Support room for students.
General spaces: Central Library, Center for Teaching and Learning Resources and Center for Optics
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]

Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura

Calçada Fonte do Lameiro
6201-001 Covilhã
275 329 969

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Jorge Humberto Gaspar Gonçalves
Não tem Fotografia.
Mobility coordinator
Paulo Eduardo Maia de Carvalho


Scientific Committee
Jorge Humberto Gaspar Gonçalves
Bertha Maria Batista dos Santos
Cristina Maria Sena Fael
Marisa Sofia Fernandes Dinis de Almeida
Pedro Gabriel de Faria Lapa Barbosa de Almeida
Jorge Miguel Almeida Andrade

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
Jorge Humberto Gaspar Gonçalves
Year Coordinators
Marisa Sofia Fernandes Dinis de Almeida (1st)
Pedro Gabriel de Faria Lapa Barbosa de Almeida (2nd)
Bertha Maria Batista dos Santos (3rd)
Isabel Maria da Conceição Fonseca Gonçalves Falorca (4th)
Miguel Costa Santos Nepomuceno (5th)
Year Representatives
Dayane Oliveira Nery (1st)
Rafael Melo Ramos (2nd)
João Pedro Nascimento Dinis Miraldes (3rd)
Tiago da Silva Santos (4th)
Mário Jorge Gonçalves Esteves (5th)

Recognition Committee
Jorge Humberto Gaspar Gonçalves
Bertha Maria Batista dos Santos
Pedro Gabriel de Faria Lapa Barbosa de Almeida
Paulo Eduardo de Maia Carvalho
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2014-08-07

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