Learning outcomes |
The key objective of this curricular unit is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of themes and issues of Political Science in the areas of political philosophy; comparative politics; governance; and political communication, familiarising them with the results of recent and relevant research in these areas.
The objectives of this unit are: - Extending and deepening the scientific culture of the area: knowledge acquisition and integration of state of the art research. - Ability to define research questions grounded in the literature, bases on suitable conceptual instruments. - Obtaining high skills to independently think critically, discuss, evaluate, analyse and synthesise issues and problems in Political Science. - Acquiring the skills in order to pertinently relate themes and problems of the different sub-areas
Syllabus |
MODULE I – Political Philosophy - Rationality and emotions in politics; - Public opinion, persuasion, and democratic propaganda; - Theories of Justice – capabilities approach and primary goods approach.
MODULE II - Comparative Politics - Institutions and New Institutionalism; - Comparative Political Institutions; - Institutions and political outcomes.
MODULE III - Governance - Institutions and Governance; - Subnational Governance; - Challenges and future development of governance theories.
MODULE IV - Political Communication - Negativity bias, sources of information and satisfaction with democracy; - Populism, social media, and disinformation; - Social movements and communication.
Main Bibliography |
Baldersheim, H. & Rose, L.E., eds., (2010). Territorial Choice: The Politics of Boundaries and Borders. New York: Palgrave Caillé, A.; Lazzeri, C.; & Senellart, M., eds. (2007). Histoire raisonnée de la philosophie morale et politique: Tome 1. Paris: Flammarion Cunningham, F. (2001). Theories of Democracy. A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge Dahl, R. (1991). Democracy and its critics. New Haven: Yale University Press Dryzek, J.S.; Honig, B.; & Philips, A., eds. (2008). The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Oxford: OUP Gomes, W. (2004). Transformações da Política na Era da Comunicação de Massa. São Paulo: Paulis Held, D. (2006). Models of democracy. Cambridge: Polity Press Kraus, S. & Davis, D. (1976). The effects of mass communication on political behavior. University Park: Penn State Press Norris, P. (2012). Making Democratic Governance Work, Cambridge: CUP Strauss, L. & Cropsey, J., eds. (1988). History of Political Philosophy. Chicago: U. Chicago Press