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  4. Quality and Operations Management

Quality and Operations Management

Code 11911
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(30H)
Scientific area Management
Entry requirements None
Mode of delivery Classroom teaching
Learning outcomes Introduction to the study of topics in Operations Management, and in particular with regard to quality improvement. It is expected that students acquire the following generic skills: critical thinking, research capacity, decision-making capacity and ability to apply knowledge in practice
In terms of specific skills, the following objectives are expected to be achieved:
• To be familiar with key concepts in operations function and in quality management, in particular.
• Understanding the strategic role of the function operations and quality improvement in particular, in organizations’ competitiveness and sustainability.
• Acquisition of knowledge in terms of the methods associated with the planning, control and improvement of operations.
• Development of analysis capabilities to evaluate and discuss concrete cases of initiatives' implementation within operations management, and quality improvement programs, in particular, within Health Units contexts.
Syllabus 1. Operations Management in Healthcare
1.1. Operations Strategy
1.2. Operations control and planning
1.3. Lean Thinking
1.4. Supply Chain Management
1.5. Performance analysis

2. Quality Management in Healthcare
2.1. Total Quality Management and Excellence Models
2.2. Certification of Management Systems
2.3. Quality Improvement Tools and Methods
2.4. Accreditation in Healthcare Units
Main Bibliography Dale, B.G. Van der Wiele, T. e Van Iwaardeen, Jos, (2007). Managing Quality, 5ª edição. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Duret, D. e Pillet, Maurice (2009). Qualidade na Produção – da ISO 9000 ao Seis Sigma. Lisboa: Lidel.
Gomes da Silva, M. (2013). Gestão da Qualidade em Cuidados de Saúde. Lisboa: Monitor Editora.
Heizer, J., Render, B., e Munson, C. (2019). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 13ª Ed., Pearson.
Krajewski, L., Malhotra, N., e Ritzman, L. (2021). Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, 13ª Ed., Pearson.
Kros, J.F. e Brown, E. (2013). Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Operations, Planning, and Control. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Langabeer II, J.R. e Helton, J. (2015). Health Care Operations Management: A Systems Perspective (2nd Edition). Burlington MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Lisboa, J.V., e Gomes, C.F. (2019). Gestão de Operações. 3ª Edição. Porto: Vida Económica.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-13

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