Learning outcomes |
Introduction to the study of topics in Operations Management, and in particular with regard to quality improvement. It is expected that students acquire the following generic skills: critical thinking, research capacity, decision-making capacity and ability to apply knowledge in practice In terms of specific skills, the following objectives are expected to be achieved: • To be familiar with key concepts in operations function and in quality management, in particular. • Understanding the strategic role of the function operations and quality improvement in particular, in organizations’ competitiveness and sustainability. • Acquisition of knowledge in terms of the methods associated with the planning, control and improvement of operations. • Development of analysis capabilities to evaluate and discuss concrete cases of initiatives' implementation within operations management, and quality improvement programs, in particular, within Health Units contexts.
Main Bibliography |
Dale, B.G. Van der Wiele, T. e Van Iwaardeen, Jos, (2007). Managing Quality, 5ª edição. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Duret, D. e Pillet, Maurice (2009). Qualidade na Produção – da ISO 9000 ao Seis Sigma. Lisboa: Lidel. Gomes da Silva, M. (2013). Gestão da Qualidade em Cuidados de Saúde. Lisboa: Monitor Editora. Heizer, J., Render, B., e Munson, C. (2019). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 13ª Ed., Pearson. Krajewski, L., Malhotra, N., e Ritzman, L. (2021). Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, 13ª Ed., Pearson. Kros, J.F. e Brown, E. (2013). Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Operations, Planning, and Control. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Langabeer II, J.R. e Helton, J. (2015). Health Care Operations Management: A Systems Perspective (2nd Edition). Burlington MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Lisboa, J.V., e Gomes, C.F. (2019). Gestão de Operações. 3ª Edição. Porto: Vida Económica.