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  4. History of Portuguese Architecture II

History of Portuguese Architecture II

Code 11982
Year 3
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 5
Workload T(45H)
Scientific area Theory and History of Architecture
Entry requirements .
Learning outcomes The course unit of History of Portuguese Architecture II aims to provide specific theoretical knowledge in the field of History of Portuguese Architecture. It is intended to provide the student with knowledge base within the scope of history that will allow the discernment and ability to understand the surrounding reality in Project activity; Develop observation skills; Describe a work of architecture; Apply the appropriate terminology; Identify the materials and techniques applied; Compare with other works of the same genre; To know and reflect on the evolution of Portuguese Architecture in time and space; Develop the ability to create work tools and theoretical support for a better interpretation of the cultural and architectural reality that allows bases for the design project. Write a research report; Present the results and conclusions in group or individual orally.
Syllabus 1. Baroque and Rococo
1.1. Renewal of the Great monastic groups
1.2. Portuguese Architecture in the World
2. 19th century
2.1 Historicism, Revivalism and Eclecticism.
2.2. Neoclassical Architecture
2.3. Pombaline Architecture
2.4. Neogothic Architecture
2.5. Iron and Glass Architecture
2.6. Romanticism
2.7. Art Noveau and Art Deco
3. 20th century
3.1. Modernism and affirmation of the “Estado Novo” (years 30 and 40)
3.2. Modernisms and Global Work (1950’s)
3.3. Survey on Portuguese Popular Architecture
3.4. Plurality of the 1960’s
3.5. SAAL process (1970’s)
3.6. After the Modernity (from the 80's to the end of the 20th century)
4. The Paradigms of Contemporaneity.
Main Bibliography -AAVV.; História da Arte em Portugal -vol.8 a 14; LISBOA: ALFA, 1993
-AAVV.; Arquitetura Portuguesa Contemporânea: Anos Sessenta/Anos Oitenta. Porto:Fundação de Serralves, 1991
-ALMEIDA, Pedro Vieira de; A Arquitetura Moderna em Portugal. Lisboa:Alfa, 1986
-ALVES, Natália Marinho Ferreira; A escola de talha portuense: e a sua influência no norte de Portugal; Lisboa:INAPA, 2001
-FRANÇA, José Augusto; Anos vinte em Portugal: estudo de factos socio-culturais; Lisboa:Presença, 1992
-FRANÇA, José-Augusto, Lisboa Pombalina e o Iluminismo, Lisboa, 1987.
- FRANÇA, José Augusto; Romantismo em Portugal: estudo de factos socioculturais; Lisboa:Horizonte, 1999
-PEREIRA,Paulo,dir.; Dois mil anos de arte em Portugal; Lisboa:Temas e Debates, 1999
-PEREIRA,Paulo,dir .; Historia da arte portuguesa-vol.3:Do Barroco à Contemporaneidade; Lisboa:Temas e Debates, 1999
-TOSTÕES, Ana Cristina dos Santos - Os Verdes Anos: Arquitetura Portuguesa nos Anos 50 ou o Movimento Moderno em Portugal. Porto:FAUP, 1997
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2019-06-13

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