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Financial Mathematics

Code 12095
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Management
Entry requirements Does not apply.
Mode of delivery At the institution.
Work placements Does not apply.
Learning outcomes Understand the importance of financial mathematics in organizations.
At the end of the course students should be able to:
• Compound and discount on different scenarios
• Calculate annuities and perpetuities in the resolution of concrete problems
• Unfold the debt service in its various components
• Include transaction costs, inflation and taxes in the study of financial operations.
Syllabus 1. Compounding and discouting
2. Annuities and perpetuities
3. Debt service
4. Effects of transaction costs, inflation and taxes
Main Bibliography • Theoretical and practical textbook.
• Cadilhe, Miguel, Matemática Financeira Aplicada, Edições Asa
• Canadas, Natália, MATF – A Matemática do Financiamento e das Aplicações de Capital, Plátano Editora
• Jesus, Fernando de, Matemática Financeira, Edição UBI/autor
• Mateus, Alves, Cálculo Financeiro, Edições Sílabo
• Mateus, Alves, Exercícios de Cálculo Financeiro, Edições Sílabo
• Matias, Rogério, Cálculo Financeiro - Teoria e prática, Escolar Editora
• Matias, Rogério e Silva, Ilídio, Cálculo Financeiro - Exercício Resolvidos e Explicados, Escolar Editora
• Matias, Rogério, Cálculo Financeiro - Casos Reais Resolvidos e Explicados, Escolar Editora
• Rodrigues, Azevedo e Nicolau, Isabel, Elementos de Cálculo Financeiro, Rei dos Livros
• Silva, Armindo Neves da, Matemática das Finanças, Vol. I, McGraw-Hill de Portugal
• Zima, Petr e Brown, Robert L., Fundamentos de Matemática Financeira, McGraw - Hill do Brasil
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria EEA
Test 1 - 5v - 03/10/2024
Test 2 - 5v - 31/10/2024
Test 3 - 5v - 26/11/2024
Test 4 - 5v - 16/12/2024 (to be defined)

Teachers reserve the right to take an oral exam when doubts arise in the assignment of the classification.
A student who is detected in a fraudulent situation will be automatically disapproved, regardless of the time of assessment or improvement.

All exceptions will be handled in accordance with the University of Beira Interior Academic Regulation (Rectoral Order No. 2018 / R / 60).

In times of exam the evaluation will be performed in the form of written test, with a quotation of 20.0 values. The exams of normal period and appeal will always deal with the entire subject taught.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-27

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