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  4. Bioprocess Design

Bioprocess Design

Code 12480
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(30H)/PL(30H)
Scientific area Biotecnologia
Entry requirements There are no prerequisites in the Bioprocess Design Curricular Unit.
Mode of delivery Master's presentation of the classical theoretical foundations, experimental design methodologies and stratified resolution of the process from the selection of inputs/outputs, optimization to validation of proposed problems. Individual papers will be used to study the emerging tools of experimental design and neural networks, with subsequent presentation and theoretical discussion. Additionally, practical examples will be demonstrated, simulating an industrial platform context, in the construction of mathematical models of the usptream and downstream stage. At this stage it appeals to the creative and integrative development of the students.
Work placements Not applicable
Learning outcomes Identify and describe the fundamental principles that define bioprocesses. Understand the sustainable and global integration of a bioprocess. Understand the selection of the calculation base. Model the optimization and validation of biological systems by DOE and MATLAB. Identify and apply the main experimental design tools in the upstream and downstream stages of a biotechnological process.
The student must acquire the following skills:
- Knowledge of modeling in biotechnology and use them in the formulation and discussion of problems.
- Professional skills, namely: reasoning, formulation of hypotheses, systemic, creative and critical thinking, in order to handle programming in DOe.
- Know the phases of design and development of bioprocesses.
Syllabus OT: 1- The classic structure of a biotechnological process: upstream, downstream and final polishing.
2- Scale-up of fermenters focusing on classic inputs (pH, temperature, culture medium, aeration and mass transfer coefficient (KLa), among others) and dimensioning to maximize the target output by applying factorial design.
3- Downstream stage scale-up: understand the main target parameters and challenges associated with Bioseparation, as well as the objectives of modeling chromatographic processes by applying experiment design.
4- Bioinformatics in the modeling, optimization and validation of the expression of bioproducts in typical biological systems. Application of factorial design, neural networks and MATLAB, in order to increase mass and volumetric productivity.
PL: Detailed study of the integration of bioprocesses: Design of penicillin production, production of chiral molecules of pharmaceutical interest; production of vitamins, among other examples.
Main Bibliography 1- Artigos científicos enquadrados nos conteúdos elaborados para a unidade curricular, nomeadamente nos domínios de modelação e validação das várias etapas de um bioprocesso.
2- Montgomery, D.C. (2001), Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5.ª ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3- Guiochon G, Beaver LA, Separation science is the key to successful biopharmaceuticals, Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (2011) 8836–8858.
4- Valente JFA, Sousa A, Queiroz JA, Sousa F, DoE to improve supercoiled p53-pDNA purification by O-phospho-L-tyrosine chromatography. Journal of Chromatography B. (2019) 1105: 184-192.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-11

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