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  4. Perspectives in Biochemistry

Perspectives in Biochemistry

Code 12805
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Biochemistry
Entry requirements Not aplicable
Mode of delivery Face to Face with recourse to e-learning.
Work placements Not applicable
Learning outcomes The general objectives of the course unit Perspectives in Biochemistry are:
-To provide an introduction to the history and importance of biochemistry in today's society;
-To promote contact with various issues related to scientific research in Biochemistry, both at a fundamental and technological level, and to develop a taste for research;
-Contact with the applied component of Biochemistry, emphasising the interdisciplinarity between the various areas of knowledge and the importance of Biochemistry in the context of the development of science;
-To present some career paths in the field of biochemistry;
Encouraging a taste for active participation in lectures and conferences and other moments of non-formal learning.
-Demonstrate how to search for scientific information in databases.
- Introduce students to bioethics and bioinformatics applied to biochemistry.
- Know how to identify the risks in a chemical laboratory and how to preserve their safety.
Syllabus 1. Definition, history and evolution of Biochemistry
- The applications of biochemistry - employability in biochemistry
- Prospects and challenges

2. Bibliographical research in Biochemistry
- Web of Science, PUBMED and B-on
- Other IT tools

3. Methodology and aspects of scientific work
-Organising scientific work and the laboratory
-Reports and scientific articles
-Oral presentations
-Panel presentations

4- Bioethics in the Life Sciences
-Ethical regulation in clinical research on human beings and experimental research on animals
- Ethical dilemmas in complex clinical situations and in the care of patients with special needs
-Ethics in clinical studies, informed consent
-One Health concept

5- Bioinformatics
- concepts of algorithms and programming, introducing the Python language
- Introducing programming tests and conditions in Biochemistry.

6. Safety in the Biochemistry Laboratory.
-Biological Laboratory Safety. Emergency procedures.
Main Bibliography Scientific articles searched in biochemistry and life sciences databases.
Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Vol.1-páginas-1-69
Oxford Handbook of Bioethics

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The content will be covered in the form of seminars, organised with the collaboration of invited guests who respond to the programme content. These seminars will take place in 2-hour sessions that can include an expository part and a discussion part, in which student participation is encouraged.
Students are also asked to develop a piece of work in the field of biochemistry and present it.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-08

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