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 1st Cycle Degree     Departamento de Química [Portuguese]

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Study plan   Biochemistry

National Access Competition  

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Admission Requirements
Vacancies 45 (2024)
Lowest Admission Grade 124.30 (1.ª fase 2023)


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Profile of the programme Biochemistry promotes the study of the structure, organization and functions of living beings in molecular terms. The main objective of the 1st Cycle (Bachelor) Degree in biochemistry is to provide a solid theoretical and experimental education in the fundamentals of biochemistry, to form high level professionals able to exercise their activity in diverse scientific and technological fields, including health sciences, environmental sciences, and the food industry.

Another crucial target is to endow students with the necessary autonomy, critical thinking and creativity to attend a second cycle of studies, both to expand their knowledge basis and to specialize at a more advanced scientific level, thus easing integration into constantly evolving national and international job markets, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities.
Key learning outcomes The Biochemistry Bachelor should be able to:

Obtain, organize and use information from multiple sources including scientific and bibliographic databases.

Communicate relevant biochemical information in an organized manner, which includes reports of laboratory classes, in a effective way, both in writing and orally and using different audiovisual media.

Demonstrate and perform technical and practical skills relevant in biochemistry.

Construct reasoned arguments to support support their position on ethics and the social impact of advances in biochemistry.

Apply numerical and computer skills, including statistical analysis to the experimental results.

Establish strategies for upgrading, maintaining and expanding their knowledge and skills in biochemistry, such as the continuing formation in the 2nd and 3rd cycle programmes, and throughout life.

Demonstrate the importance of Biochemistry in advanced areas such as biosensors and biomaterials.

Work in Portugal or abroad.

Assume responsibility for the selection, implementation, execution and monitoring of methods of analysis in the laboratory environment.


Describe and explain the chemistry that supports biochemical reactions as well as the techniques used to investigate them.

Describe the principles that determine the three dimensional structure of biological macromolecules and give examples of structure-function.

Acquire a critical understanding of the molecular basis of genetics, including structure, expression and gene regulation, as well as relevant experimental methods.

Expose the features and functions of different types of cells, both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and explain how their properties are suitable for their biological function.

Enumerate and run appropriate experimental methods for solving problems in fundamental and applied biochemistry.

Describe the essential functions of cellular metabolism and its control.

Describe the principles of chemistry and thermodynamics behind enzymatic catalysis and the role of enzymes in determining the function of cells and organisms.

Describe the relationship between biochemical parameters and physiological changes.

Show the importance of biochemistry in monitoring and treatment of effluents.

Identify toxic substances for the body and mention the mechanisms of toxicity.

Explain the structure, dynamics and functions of the immune system.

Explain biological processes involved in food production and metabolism.
Occupational profiles of graduates Chemical-biological laboratory analysis (hospitals, clinics or companies) • Laboratory analysis of water and food • Laboratories of institutes of public health and medical research • Industry (Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Food) • Laboratory quality control and development products (in the areas of Health Sciences and Environment, among others) • Companies (technician or professional in sales and marketing) • Scientific Research.
Learning facilities The activities take place mainly in the Chemistry Department at the Faculty of Sciences and at the Health Sciences Research Centre at the Faculty of Health Sciences from UBI. The Department of Chemistry is served by the Center for Teaching and Learning Resources, which provides human resources and material support for the use of multimedia in classes and seminars.

In addition to the several laboratories for the teaching of Chemistry and Biochemistry from basic to intermediate levels, there is also a skills laboratory. Laboratories for advanced levels in specific areas such as genetics and microbiology are also available.

Among the structures to support teaching, there are libraries, computer rooms, and wi-fi throughout the university with permanent access to the Internet. An e-learning platform supports all the educational activities.
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]
Regulation of the 1st Cycle - Licenciatura in Biochemistry [PT]

Erasmus+ Agreements

Erasmus Agreements
  • Universidad del Pais Vasco • Espanha • Duration: A
  • Universidad de Jáen • Espanha • Duration: S
  • Universitat Politècnica de Valencia • Espanha • Duration: A
  • Universidad de Extremedura • Espanha • Duration: A
  • Universidad de Zaragoza • Espanha • Duration: A
  • University of Córdoba • Espanha • Duration: S
  • Université de Franche-Comté • França • Duration: A
  • Daugavpils University • Letónia • Duration: S
  • Bozok University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu • Roménia • Duration: A
  • Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca • Itália • Duration: S
  • West University of Timisoara • Roménia • Duration: S
  • Kafkas University • Turquia • Duration: S

Departamento de Química

Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã
275 242 021
275 319 730

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Carla Patrícia Alves Freire Madeira da Cruz
 [Ficheiro Local]
Mobility coordinator
Dina Isabel Malheiros Dinis de Mendonça


Scientific Committee
Carla Patrícia Alves Freire Madeira da Cruz
António José Geraldes de Mendonça
Maria de Lurdes Franco Ciríaco
Renato Emanuel Félix Boto
Fani Pereira de Sousa
Maria das Neves Vieiro Rebocho
Paulo André de Paiva Parada
Cândida Ascensão Teixeira Tomaz
Samuel Martins Silvestre

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
Carla Patrícia Alves Freire Madeira da Cruz
Year Coordinators
Maria de Lurdes Franco Ciríaco (1st)
Renato Emanuel Félix Boto (2nd)
António José Geraldes de Mendonça (3rd)
Year Representatives
Júlia Iracema Duarte da Cruz (1st)
Ana Sofia Loureiro (2nd))
Nicolau Delgado Pereira (3rd)

Recognition Committee
Carla Patrícia Alves Freire Madeira da Cruz
António José Geraldes de Mendonça
Fani Pereira de Sousa
Dina Isabel Malheiros Dinis de Mendonça
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2014-08-07

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