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  3. Carla Patrícia Alves Freire Madeira da Cruz
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Carla Patrícia Alves Freire Madeira da Cruz

Professor/a Auxiliar

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Departamento de Química Docente do Departamento de Química

CICS - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde Investigador/a

Diretor/a do(s) curso(s)

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em conferência/Conference paper

    1. Nunes, Jéssica; Cruz, Carla; Oliveira, Paula. Autor correspondente: Cruz, Carla. "Development of novel aptamer-functionalized liposomes for oral cancer therapy". 2021.
      Aceite para publicação
    2. Miranda, André; Cruz, Carla; Santos, Tiago; Carvalho, Josué; Alexandre, Daniela; Jardim, Andreia; Caneira, Catarina; et al. Autor correspondente: Cruz, Carla. "Microfluidic assay based on G-quadruplex aptamer for nucleolin detection in prostate cancer". 2020.
      Aceite para publicação
    3. Cruz, Carla. "Understanding the role of proto-oncogene Kras G-quadruplexes: Structural and ligand binding characterization". 2019.
    4. Cruz, Carla. Autor correspondente: Cruz, Carla. "Characterisation of homo-oligonucleotide binding to immobilized amino acids using STD-NMR and SPR spectroscopy". 2010.
      Aceite para publicação
    5. "Molecular dynamics study of the uptake of aromatic carboxylate anions by polyazamacrocycles". 2008.
      Aceite para publicação

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. Moreira, David; Lopes-Nunes, Jéssica; Santos, Fátima Milhano; Campello, Maria Paula Cabral; Oliveira, Maria Cristina; Paulo, António; Tomaz, Cândida; Cruz, Carla. Autor correspondente: Cruz, Carla. "Assessment of Aptamer as a Potential Drug Targeted Delivery for Retinal Angiogenesis Inhibition". Pharmaceuticals (2023) url
    2. Santos, Fátima M.; Ciordia, Sergio; Mesquita, Joana; Cruz, Carla; Sousa, João Paulo Castro e; Passarinha, Luís A.; Tomaz, Cândida T.; Paradela, Alberto. "Proteomics profiling of vitreous humor reveals complement and coagulation components, adhesion factors, and neurodegeneration markers as discriminatory biomarkers of vitreoretinal eye diseases". Frontiers in Immunology (2023) url
    3. Santos, Tiago; Silva, Micael; Imbert, Lionel; Campello, Maria P. C.; Paulo, António; Amrane, Samir; Salgado, Gilmar F.; Cruz, Carla; Cabrita, Eurico J. Autor correspondente: Cruz, Carla. "Structural Perspective into the Interaction of an Oncogenesis-Relevant pre-miRNA G-Quadruplex Ligand Carrier with the Protein Nucleolin". Chemistry – A European Journal (2023) url
    4. Alexandre, Daniela; Teixeira, Bernardo; Rico, André; Valente, Salete; Craveiro, Ana; Baptista, Pedro V.; Cruz, Carla. Autor correspondente: Cruz, Carla. "Molecular Beacon for Detection miRNA-21 as a Biomarker of Lung Cancer". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022) url
    5. Figueiredo, Joana; Carreira-Barral, Israel; Quesada, Roberto; Mergny, Jean-Louis; Cruz, Carla. Autor correspondente: Cruz, Carla. "Synthesis and evaluation of 2,9-disubstituted-1,10-phenanthroline derivatives as G-quadruplex binders". Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2022) url

    Capítulo de livro/Book chapter

    1. Carla Cruz 0000-0001-6630-1242. Autor Correspondente: Carla Cruz 0000-0001-6630-1242. "Aptamer-functionalized quantum dots for targeted cancer therapy". In Aptamers Engineered Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy, 2022.
    2. Cruz, Carla. Autor Correspondente: Cruz, Carla. "Aptamer-based microfluidics for circulating tumor cells". In Aptamers Engineered Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy - Elsevier, 2022.
      Em revisão


    1. Molecular detection method for SARS-CoV-2 RNA
      Número: Ref. DP/01/2021/
      Data de Emissão: 2022-02-01
    2. Isolamento de um novo alquil-resorcinol com actividade anti-microbiana a partir dos frutos de Hakea sericea Schrader
      Número: DP/01/2013/26651
      Estado: Concedida/Emitida
      Data de Emissão: 2015-09-18
    3. Método para a marcação da mitocôndria e do retículo endoplasmático utilizando compostos macrocíclicos fluorescentes
      Número: 105419
      Estado: Concedida/Emitida
      Data de Emissão: 2012-12-14

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    Carla Cruz is an Assistant Professor at Chemistry Department - Faculty of Sciences of University of Beira Interior (UBI). In 2017, she was awarded with a highly competitive FCT Investigator contract (IF/00959/2015) as Assistant Researcher. She is the GROUP LEADER of G4Lab ( at CICS-UBI, establishing her independent research line since 2015. Currently, her team has 1 post-doc, 6 PhD and 7 MSc students. During her scientific career, she supervised until completion 2 post-docs, 2 PhD, 30 MSc and 26 BSc students, plus 14 other students with research grants. She has also experience in committee members of PhD and MSc theses, as well as on committees for research fellowships under projects and for the acquisition of equipmentHer RESEARCH TOPIC is focused on drug design, development and delivery, as well as on the optimization of biophysical/cellular and molecular methods to study nucleic acids, including DNA/RNA G-quadruplex (G4) aptamers and protein targets towards cancer . This has been RECOGNIZED by the scientific community, having published more than 85 articles, 47 in the last 5 years, being the first and/or corresponding author in more than 80% of those papers, in addition to 2 patents and over 150 conference presentations, including 33 oral communications and more than 20 invited talksShe is/was the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR of 15 national/international projects and a Member of 6 other funded projects (ICON_CENTRO-010145-FEDER-000013, NANOGLIO, PUREmiRSILs, CICS4COVID, CovidOUT, COMBINE). Since 2021, she is COORDINATOR of the Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials group at CICS-UBI, a Member of its Executive Board, Coordinator of PTNMR infrastructure integrated in European INSTRUCT-ERIC infrastruture at CICS-UBI (PINFRA/22161/2016) funded with 6.3 MEur, and Coordinator of the International PhD Program in NMR Applied to Chemistry, Materials and Biosciences (PD/00065/2013) at UBIShe belongs to the Management Committee of COST Action CA17140 (Nano2Clinic) and she is a Member of COST Action CA17013 (Delivery of Antisense RNA)She collaborated with several International Institutions all over the world, through published papers, funded projects and joint supervision of students with FCT grants, namely with MIT, Univ. Texas at Austin, Penn State College of Medicine, IECB-Univ. Bordeaux, Institut de Biologie Structurale Grenoble, Autonomous University of Madrid, Ecole Polytechnique Paris, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Univ. Burgos, Univ. Ferrara, ETH Zurich, and Univ. Barcelona. She has also collaborated with the CRODA-UK and LABFIT companies and with the CHUCB and HUC hospitals, in additional to the following Portuguese Institutions: IPATIMUP, INESC-MN, IST-C2TN, REQUIMTE/LAQV Univ Aveiro, UCIBIO FCT NOVA, and CITAB-UTADShe was a visiting scientist at Univ. Strasbourg (with Dr. S. Ladame), IECB-Univ. Bordeaux (with Dr. JL. Mergny and Dr. G. Salgado), Penn State College of Medicine (with Dr. Craig Meyers), Magnetic Resonance Center (with Dr. Marco Fragai) and National Centre for Biotechnology (with Dr. Leonor KREMER). Her outreach activities include being a speaker at Hospitals, Cancer Day, Science Week, newspapers, radio (Antena 1) and TV interviews. She was also the organizer of Advanced NMR courses at UBI.

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    2023Third place in -ARRISCA C Business Ideas Contest, Innovation category
    2023First place in -Concurso de Ideias de Negócio WIN-UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal
    2023Second place -UI.CAN –Universidades como Interface para o Empreendedorismo - Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
    2022Short Term Scientific Miayion (STSM) grant COST Action CA17140 Nanomedicine - from the bench to the bedside (NANO2CLINIC) with University Ferrara, Claudio NASTRUZZI - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Brussels, Bélgica
    2021Short Term Scientific Miayion (STSM) grant COST Action CA17140 Nanomedicine - from the bench to the bedside (NANO2CLINIC) with Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Brussels, Bélgica
    2021Short Term Scientific Miayion (STSM) grant COST Action CA17140 Nanomedicine - from the bench to the bedside (NANO2CLINIC) with Faculty of Sciences, Chemistry Department, University of Burgos - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Brussels, Bélgica
    20201st International Electronic Conference on Biosensors "Microfluidic Assay Based on G-quadruplex Aptamer for Nucleolin Detection in Prostate Cancer" - Best Poster Award
    2020Targeting Human Papillomavirus Promoter Regions as a Potential Antiviral Strategy - International IPVC 2020 - The 33rd International Papillomavirus Conference - Best Poster Award
    2019Short Term Scientific Miayion (STSM) grant COST Action CA17140 Nanomedicine - from the bench to the bedside (NANO2CLINIC) with Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Brussels, Bélgica
    2019III International Congress in Health Sciences Research: Towards Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Trends in Aging and Cancer - Detection of the potential cancer biomarker nucleolin in a microfluidic system - Best Poster Award - Universidade da Beira Interior Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal
    2019Health Research MSD 2019 - The Biodevice validation for the diagnosis of prostate cancer -Merck Sharp and Dohme - Merck Sharp and Dohme, Macquarie Park, NSW, Austrália
    2019Best oral communication award in XIV Annual CICS-UBI Symposium
    2017Best oral communication award" in II International Congress in Health Sciences Research
    2017Best poster communication award in XII Annual CICS-UBI Symposium
    2016Best oral communication award" in XI Annual CICS-UBI Symposium
    2015Best poster communication award in Jornadas de Química e Bioquímica 2015
    2011F7 BiO-NMR - Structural analysis between amino acids affinity ligands and plasmid DNA pGL1- - European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Brussels, Brussels, Bélgica
    2009Short Term Scientific Miayion (STSM) grant COST Action COST MP0802 - Self-assembled guanosine structures for molecular electronic devices, ref. COST-STSM-MP0802-4788 - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Brussels, Bélgica
    2003Third Prize for the Communication presented at ISMC 2003 - XXVIII International Symposium on Macrocyclic Chemistry, Gdansk, Gdansk, Polónia

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    DEFEND - Vaginal gel for cancerous lesions caused by the Human Papilloma Virus CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000044 (Em curso)
    Novel approach to control let-7e miRNA biogenesis: Unveiling the relationship between structure and function of let-7e precursor miRNA/nucleolin complex  Instruct-ERIC Pilot R&D project call 2022 (Em curso)
    BInov 2021 Award, Innovation Grant funded by the Southern and Autonomous Regions Regional Section (SRSRA) of the Order of Pharmacists  BInov 2021 (Em curso)
    SENSE - Deteção de eStruturas de G-quadruplEx no SARS-CoV-2 utilizando soNdas fluorescentes ref. 6- Principal Investigator (Concluído)
    Purification, detection and stabilization of G-quadruplex for cancer therapy SFRH/BPD/100015/2014 (Concluído)



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