Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Not applicable
Mode of delivery |
Face to face lectures
Work placements |
Not applicable
Learning outcomes |
This Course aims to provide students with a set of knowledge in the area of Biotoxicology that enable them to understand the mechanisms of toxicity, that is, how a toxicant enters an organism, how it interacts with target molecules, and how the organism deals with the insult. At the end of this course, students should be able to: -Identify the basic concepts of Toxicology; -Explain the disposition and biotransformation of toxicants in the organism; -Discuss the Mechanisms of toxicity; -Identify toxic responses to Xenobiotics; -Apply the acquired knowledge to identify and evaluate the potential hazard posed by a particular chemical; -Accomplish analytical techniques to quantify toxics in biological samples; -Work in groups and communicate to others knowledge in Biotoxicology; -Analyze and interpret experimental results with scientific rigor and critical thinking
Syllabus |
1.General principles of Toxicology. 2.Disposition of toxicants: absorption, distribution and excretion. 3.Biotransformation of xenobiotics. 4.Mechanisms of toxicity. Cellular dysfunction and resultant toxicities: Toxicant-Induced Cellular Dysregulation, Toxic Alteration of Cellular Maintenance. Mechanisms of Repair. 5.Toxic responses to xenobiotics: chemical carcinogenesis, mechanisms of neurotoxicity and direct tissue lesions. 6.Laboratory classes.Toxic quantification in biological samples:Determination of salicylate in serum and urine; Determination of ethanol in blood samples; search organophosphorus pesticides in soil samples; and determination of carbon monoxide concentration in the blood.
Main Bibliography |
Casarett & Doull’s (2019) Toxicology-The Basic Science of Poisons, 9th Edition, Mc Graw-Hill,New York Boelsterli, U.A. (2007) Mechanistic toxicology, 2nd, Taylor & Francis Timbrell, J. (2009)Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, 4th Edition, Taylor & Francis
2. Recommended reading: - Scientific articles
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Access to learning is done in expository lectures and based on the learning materials organized and available, time zones are bounded with self-learning intra-groups reporting and skills shared by students in a classroom in an expository context. The laboratorial lectures involve experimental work in which students will make the determination of toxic compounds in biological samples, with analysis, interpretation and discussion of results. Students will develop a seminar in that will apply the knowledge concerning the disposition, biotransformation and mechanism of toxicity, to a specific toxic compound, that will be orally presented and discussed. The student evaluation is carried out continuously, considering three evaluation factors, with the following weighting: (60% T) + (20% P) + (20% S); T-score of two partial tests or final exam, P-laboratory performance evaluationt; S-score obtained at the seminar.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.