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Code 13021
Year 2
Semester A1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(4H)/S(39H)
Scientific area Cultura
Entry requirements Simultaneously registration into the Unit 13022 Dissertation / Project / Internship With Report.
Mode of delivery --
Learning outcomes Towards the conclusion of the programme, whereby students have concluded and consolidate their theoretical and practical skills through workshop-type training, the final output demonstrating their global competences (dissertation, project or traineeship) will be drafted. At this stage students should be able to make use of interpretative and reflexive tools, which may at once guide them towards completion of their final research manuscripts or projects, and refocus those endeavours with increased autonomy, in alignment with the conceptual and hermeneutical models fittest to those objectives. This will allow a rigorous and close supervision of the work developed by the students, clarifying doubts emerging throughout the research, and exploring arising hermeneutical.
Syllabus The syllabus of this course reflects a double concern to range the three areas of specialisation of this study cycle, and to allow for the three possible final qualifying outputs: dissertation, project, or traineeship with report. These complementary objectives are reflected in the following syllabus options:
Theme 1.
From the culture of entrepreneurship to cultural entrepreneurship: challenges and opportunities.
Theme 2.
Arts and Cultures: approximations and divisions.
Theme 3.
What is cultural in cultural policies?
Main Bibliography The bibliography will be indicated according to the topics selected in each Seminar session and related to the concreteness of the students' individual projects. Without prejudice to this orientation, and in addition to the specific bibliography to be defined in the aforementioned terms, it is recommended to consult the following manuals, as they are representative of
A CIÊNCIA como Cultura, Imprensa Nacional –Casa da Moeda, Lisboa, 1992
BARILLI, Renato, Ciência da cultura e Fenomenologia dos estilos, Ed. Estampa, 1995
BAUMAN, Zygmunt, Ensaios sobre o conceito de Cultura, Zahar, Rio de Janeiro, 2012
MARQUES, Fernando Pereira, De que falamos quando Falamos de Cultura? Ed. Presença, Lisboa, 1995
MARQUES, Fernando Pereira, Cultura e Política(s), Âncora Editora, Lisboa, 2014
RUBIM, António, Cultura e Políticas Culturais, Azougue, Rio de Janeiro, 2011
RUBIM, António, FERNANDES, Taiane & RUBIM, Iuri (Org.), Políticas Culturais, Democracia & Conselhos de Cultura, Eufba, Salvador,2011
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria To achieve the objectives of this unit, students will be guided in the task of constructing their scientific article through the indication, by the teacher, of work programs that will be previously uploaded to the Moodle platform. Each session– exceptionally there may be work programs designed for a two session extent – specific activities will be developed, which will have concrete expression in the presentation, by students, of weekly tutorial supervision reports, which must be sent to the email address of the teacher within the set deadlines. In cases where activities are planned for two sessions, a single report will be submitted.

Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-16

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