Code |
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ECTS Credits |
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Entry requirements |
Not applicable.
Mode of delivery |
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Learning outcomes |
General objective: 1. Demonstrate mastery of a thematic area of Political Philosophy, and of related key categories, from a research perspective. It is part of this objective to acquaint the Ph.D. student with recent research results. Specific objectives: 2. To enable the doctoral candidate for in-depth philosophical reflection on the relationship between political philosophy and 'disenchantment' / sense(s) of the world; 3. To guide students in pertinent bibliography and train them for research in the area; 4. Enable the student to write a paper on a concrete question of political philosophy.
Syllabus |
António Bento 1. Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and the art of writing 2. The methodology of the history of political concepts in Quentin Skinner 3. The concept of language and the métier d’historien in John Pocock 4. Begriffsgeschichte. The “history of concepts” in Reinhart Koselleck 5. Machiavelli and the appearance in politics - Maria João Cabrita 1.Tragedy of the Commons (Hardin) versus common-pool resources (Ostrom). Previous readings: Hardin and Ostrom 2.Enclosure of the commons. Previous readings: Dardot, P. & Laval, C.; Federici, S. 3.Commons or common? (Federici versus Hardt & Negri). Previous readings: Federici; Hardt & Negri; 4.The commons as constitutive social relations and practices, forms of coexistence that resist privatisation and the individualisation of life (Federici). Previous readings: Federici. 5.The metropolis as a space of the common and of rebellion. Previous readings: Hardt & Negri (2009).
Main Bibliography |
ª Parte do Semestre: Koselleck, Reinhart, História de Conceitos. Estudos sobre a semântica e a pragmática da linguagem política e social, Contraponto Editora, 2021. Pocock, John, Political Thought and History. Essays on Theory and Method, Cambridge University Press, 2009. Skinner, Quentin, Visions of Politics, I. Regarding Method, Cambridge University Press, 2002. Strauss, Leo, What is Political Philosophy?,The University of Chicago Press, 1988. Strauss, Leo, Persecution and the Art of Writing,The University of Chicago Press, 1988. 2ª Parte do Semestre: Dardot, P. & Laval, C. (2019). Common: On revolution in the 21st century. Bloomsbury Publishing. Federici, S. (2019). Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons. Pm Press. Linebaugh, P. (2009). The Magna Carta manifesto: Liberties and commons for all. Univ. of California Press. Hardin, G. (1968). The tragedy of the commons. science, 162(3859), 1243-1248. Hardt, M. & Negri, A. (2009). Commonwealth. Harvard U. P.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Reading and the previous study of indicated and provided texts, joint and in-depth analysis of excerpts, oral presentations, critical and reflective commentary, both personal and based on secondary authors, and debate, dialogue, questioning, some short oral presentations (10-15 minutes) by doctoral students on precise points.
The evaluation is done by means of an individual written research paper (10-15 pp.) on a topic within the general scope of the Seminar, to be delivered in February 2024. The two professors will evaluate their works, giving a score of 0-20, which will be added and divided by 2, a result that will translate the final classification. In this UC there is no final examination..
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.