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  4. Exclusions and Inequalities

Exclusions and Inequalities

Code 13143
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements N/A
Mode of delivery Face-to-face
Learning outcomes To familiarize the students with the sociological debate around issues as poverty, social exclusion and social inclusion. Make them acquainted with the way western societies generate exclusion phenomena and, at the same time, they try to provide measures in favor of social inclusion.
Students should be able to:
1. Differentiate fundamental concepts of poverty, social exclusion and social inclusion
2. Identify main authors and theories related to domain of analysis
3. Collect illustrative case studies of the studied phenomena
4. Compare different social intervention models, as also the possible roles of State and Third Sector
5. Evaluate the consequences of political options over the work of social organizations and the future of most vulnerable groups
6. Accept diversity in the field of social intervention
7. Recognise the influence of professional commitment and ethical practice on the quality of social intervention
Syllabus 1. The social and conceptual meaning of exclusion
2. Where are the institutions? Society pillars or “zombie” categories?
3. And, in spite of all, it moves. The new social order(s) and the processes of individual (re) embeddedness
4. To eradicate social exclusion, to assume a new social contract: achievable utopia or impossible mission?
Main Bibliography Required
Costa, A. B. (coord.) (2008), Um Olhar sobre a Pobreza – Vulnerabilidade e Exclusão Social no Portugal Contemporâneo, Lisboa, Gradiva
Monteiro, A. A. (2004), Associativismo e Novos Laços Sociais, Coimbra, Quarteto
Monteiro, A. A. (2019), Compreender a Exclusão Social, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais
Sousa, L. et al (2007), Famílias Pobres: Desafios à Intervenção Social, Lisboa, Climepsi Editores
Atkinson, A. B. (2015). Inequality – What Can Be Done?. London: Harvard University Press.
Costa, A. F. (2012), Desigualdades sociais contemporâneas, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais
Dicken, P. (2009), “The World is ‘Not’ Flat: The Intense Geographical Unevenness of Globalization”, in BBVA OpenMind, The Multiple Faces of Globalization, BBVA Group, pp. 32-47.

Monteiro, A. A. (2020), “Poverty and Inequality in Contemporary Portugal: impact of the austerity policies and lessons for the future", Sociological Review, vol. LIV, n?. 1, pp. 3–22.

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Methods: written exam; group presentation; critical questioning, final exam.
- 2 Written Assignments -- Individual - 30% + 30%
- Critical review of a text -- Group -- 30%
- Critical questioning -- Group -- 10%
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.


 [Ficheiro Local]
Alcides a. Monteiro


Last updated on: 2024-09-23

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