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  4. Sociology of the City

Sociology of the City

Code 13149
Year 3
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements Not applicable
Mode of delivery Face-to-face.
Learning outcomes - Learn about different sociological theories of the city and urban issues
- Analyse some of the social problems faced by cities
- Promote and develop critical thinking in relation to building more inclusive, democratic and sustainable cities

Syllabus 1. The city as a sociological object
1.1 The problem of the city and the urban in sociology
1.2 Urban space as a social product and space for socialisation
1.3 Urban ethnography

2. Sociological perspectives on the city
2.1 Georg Simmel, the individual and the metropolis
2.2 The ecological and culturalist perspectives of the Chicago School
2.3 The neo-Marxist approach
2.4 Max Weber's contributions

3. Mobilities, identities and ways of life in the city
3.1 Mobility as a central element in defining cities.
3.2 Cities and migration
3.3 Tourism and cities
3.4 Gentrification, urban regeneration, sociability and spaces of exclusion
3.4 Cities and climate change
Main Bibliography Main
Fortuna, Carlos (org.), (1997),Cidade, cultura e globalização, Oeiras: Celta Editora.
Mela, Alfredo (1999), A Sociologia das Cidades, Lisboa: Editorial Estampa
Warde, Alan; Savage, Mike (2002), Sociologia Urbana, Capitalismo e Modernidade, Oeiras: Celta editora.
Baptista, L.; Mazzella, S.; Pereira, P.; Nunes, J.P., (Orgs.) (2021), Pensar o Território, Jean Claude Chambederon, Uma Abordagem Sociológica Pioneira. Editora Húmus.
Faria, Carlos V. (2009), As Cidades na Cidade, Lisboa: Esfera do Caos.
Françoise Choay (1965), L'Urbanisme, utopies et realités. Une anthologie, Paris, Seuil.
João Peixoto (1990), "Elogio da Cidade” in Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais, n' 30, pp. 97-112.
LYNCH, Kevin (1976), L’ Image de la Cité, Dunod, Paris (1ª Edição: 1960, Massachussetts Institute of Technology).
Mela, Alfredo (1999), A Sociologia das Cidades, Editorial Estampa, Lisboa.
Other texts suggested in class
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-03

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